konung / comfy_imprint

Distributed as a gem, relies on SimpleForm, while this is an engine, it's inteded for use with Comfortable Mexican Sofa, and it may work with other Rails apps, but is not tested for them. Why not comfy_contact - cause keeping track of ComfyContact::Contact.contact - hurts my head.
MIT License
9 stars 10 forks source link


This is what is commonly known as a "Contact Us" page, done as a mountable Rails 3 engine. It's designed to be used in conjunction with Comfortable Mexican Sofa Content Management System ( CMS CMS :-) ) I highly suggest to check out CMS as it runs circles around all other Rails CMS systems out there.


I don't like heroku, so there is no obligatory heroku demo, thou I might put up one later at some other provider. However you can see this gem in action on my personal blog at: http://www.gorbikoff.com/contact-us

Features / Bugs

Upcoming Features

Pull Requests are welcome!

See current lest at : https://github.com/konung/comfy_imprint/issues?labels=enhancement&page=1&state=open


  # Gemfile
  gem 'comfy_imprint'
  bundle install

  # Migrations
  rake comfy_imprint:install:migrations
  rake db:migrate

  # Routes
  mount ComfyImprint::Engine, at: "/contact-us"

  # Config
  # copy & edit initializer
  rake comfy_imprint:install:copy_initializer


Why didn't I name this ComfyContact or something similar? Because dealing with ComfyContact::Contact.contact is confusing and because I already have unrelated resource named Contact. While this gem is properly namespaced, it would be confusing for anyone else not familiar with your app. I'm guessing I'm not the only genius to have unrelated model called Contact in my app.

Acknowledgement and thank yous

This gem was made possible due to generosity of folks at http://www.birica.com

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.