konveyor / tackle2-ui

Tackle (2nd generation) UI component.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 29 forks source link
kubernetes tackle


Operator Repository on Quay License contributions welcome

Konveyor UI component

Build and Test Status

branch last merge CI last merge image build nightly CI
main CI (repo level) Multiple Architecture Image Build Nightly CI (repo level @main)
release-0.4 CI (repo level) Multiple Architecture Image Build CI (repo level)
release-0.3 CI (repo level) Multiple Architecture Image Build CI (repo level)
branch last merge e2e CI nightly e2e CI
main CI (global konveyor CI) Nightly CI (global konveyor CI @main)
release-0.4 CI (global konveyor CI) CI (global konveyor CI)
release-0.3 CI (global konveyor CI) CI (global konveyor CI)




To get started, clone the repo to your development workstation and install the required dependencies locally with NPM.

git clone https://github.com/konveyor/tackle2-ui
cd tackle2-ui
npm install

Quick start

With an existing Tackle2 environment available, one can start a locally served tackle2-ui instance with:

npm run start:dev

Tackle2 environment setup

With the UI project setup out of the way, you can now begin setting up you local Tackle2 dev environment. The preferred local development option is to setup a minikube instance. Alternatively, for information on general Kubernetes installation refer to Tackle2 operator readme file.

Minikube setup

Minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows. See the minikube getting started guide here.

All you need to run minikube is Docker (or similarly compatible) container or a Virtual Machine environment.

By default, Minikube uses a driver with 6,000 MB of memory and 2 CPUs. This is not enough to run all the services, so we need to increase the allocated memory. In our experience, 10 GB of memory and 4 CPUs is fine:

$ minikube config set memory 10240
$ minikube config set cpus 4

Note: Depending on your driver, administrator access may be required. Common choices include Docker for container-based virtualization and KVM for hardware-assisted virtualization on Linux systems. If you're not sure which driver is best for you or if you're encountering compatibility issues, Minikube also supports auto-selecting a driver based on your system's capabilities and installed software.

From a terminal run:

$ minikube start --addons=dashboard --addons=ingress

Note: We need to enable the dashboard and ingress addons. The dashboard addon installs the dashboard service that exposes the Kubernetes objects in a user interface. The ingress addon allows us to create Ingress CRs to expose the Tackle UI and Tackle Hub API.

Since the olm addon is disabled until OLM issue 2534 is resolved we need to install the OLM manually i.e. for version v0.28.0 we can use:

curl -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/v0.28.0/install.sh -o install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh v0.28.0

See also official Konveyor instructions for Provisioning Minikube.

Configuring kubectl for minikube

You will need kubectl on your PATH and configured to control minikube in order to proceed. There are two ways to set this up:

  1. Install kubectl yourself

    If you already have the kubectl CLI tool installed and available on your PATH, the minikube start command should configure it to control the minikube cluster. You should see the following message when minikube starts if this worked correctly:

    🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default
  2. Use a shell alias for minikube's built-in kubectl

    Minikube provides its own internal kubectl which you can use by running minikube kubectl -- followed by your CLI arguments. If you want to use the built-in minikube kubectl as the kubectl on your PATH, you can set a shell alias. The following example shows how to do it for Bash on Fedora 35.

    $ mkdir -p ~/.bashrc.d
    $ cat << EOF > ~/.bashrc.d/minikube
    alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"
    $ source ~/.bashrc

Installing the Konveyor operator

Follow the official instructions for Installing Konveyor Operator

Alternative 1, use the script hack/setup-operator.sh. It is a local variation of the script from the operator that still allows overriding portions of the Tackle CR with environment variables.

Alternative 2, the konveyor/operator git repository provides a script to install Tackle locally using kubectl. You can inspect its source here. This script creates the konveyor-tackle namespace, CatalogSource, OperatorGroup, Subscription and Tackle CR, then waits for deployments to be ready.

Customizing the install script (optional)

The install script provides optional environment variables you can use to customize the images and features used. See the source of the script for all available variables.

For example, if you wish to run tackle with keycloak authentication enabled, export the following variable before running the install script:

$ export AUTH_REQUIRED=true

Running the install script

Before proceeding, if you are on macOS you will need to use Homebrew to install the coreutils package:

$ brew install coreutils

To run the install script (requires kubectl on your PATH configured for minikube):

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konveyor/operator/main/hack/install-tackle.sh | bash

Alternatively, you can clone the konveyor/operator git repository and run ./hack/install-tackle.sh from your clone, or you can execute its commands manually.

⚠️ Note: While CRDs are being established, you may see the script output NotFound errors. You can safely ignore these. The script will wait 30 seconds to check for the CRD again before proceeding.

The installation is complete when the script outputs "condition met" messages and terminates.

Start your local development server

Now that your environment is ready, navigate to your installed tackle-ui directory and run your development server:

$ cd tackle2-ui
$ npm run start:dev

Understanding the local development environment

Tackle2 runs in a Kubernetes compatible environment (i.e. Openshift, Kubernetes or minikube) and is usually deployed with Tackle2 Operator (OLM). Although the UI pod has access to tackle2 APIs from within the cluster, the UI can also be executed outside the cluster and access Tackle APIs endpoints by proxy.

The React and Patternfly based UI is composed of web pages served by an http server with proxy capabilities.

The Express server/src/setupProxy.js proxies use the environment variables TACKLE_HUB_URL and SSO_SERVER_URL to define the backend endpoints:

Running the UI outside the cluster

To enable running the UI outside the cluster, port forwardings must be activated to route the Tackle Keycloak (SSO) and Tackle Hub requests to the services on the cluster. Use the script npm run port-forward to easily start the forwards. The script npm run start:dev will also setup port forwarding to all tackle2 services concurrently with starting the dev server.

To manually setup the kubectl port forwards, open a terminal and run each following command separately:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/tackle-keycloak-sso -n konveyor-tackle 9001:8080
$ kubectl port-forward svc/tackle-hub -n konveyor-tackle 9002:8080

Note: The npm run port-forward or kubectl port-forward commands need to remain running for the ports to be available.

Accessing the Kubernetes dashboard

We may need to access the dashboard, either simply to see what's happening under the hood, or to troubleshoot an issue. The dashboard addon is enabled in the default in recommended minikube start command in the Minikube setup section.

There are two ways to setup access to the dashboard.

First, we can use the minikube dashboard command. Use to following to open on an explicit port and only show the URL instead of opening the default browser directly:

$ minikube dashboard --port=18080 --url=true

Second, we can use the kubectl port-forward command to enable access to the dashboard:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/kubernetes-dashboard -n kubernetes-dashboard 30090:80

We can now access the minikube dashboard on http://localhost:30090


Note - The steps described are executed on a Fedora 38 workstation, but will likely work on any recent Linux distribution.

$ minikube ip

Pull Request (PR) Process

Please read the Pull Request (PR) Process section of the Konveyor versioning and branching doc for more information.

File Naming Conventions


We welcome contributions to this project! If you're interested in contributing, please read the konveyor/community CONTRIBUTING doc for more information on how to get started.

Code of Conduct

Refer to Konveyor's Code of Conduct page