koobo / HippoPlayer

HippoPlayer - a module player for the classic Amiga
MIT License
105 stars 18 forks source link


This repository contains the source code for HippoPlayer, a module player for the classic Amigas with OS 1.2 or higher.

Original distribution is available here, from the year 2000: http://aminet.net/mus/play/hippoplayer.lha

Updated version developed later, in 2021: http://aminet.net/mus/play/hippoplayerupdate.lha

Tools used in development:

Files and directories

Build instructions

The standard include files will be searched from include: directory, these are not included. Some custom includes and some others are included. Tested to compile with ASM-One v1.28, ASM-Pro v1.17, vasm v1.9.


Build steps:

To build the Protracker replay routine, assemble the file kpl14.s and save the binary as kpl. To build individual replay routines, assemble one in the pl dir and save the binary (or executable) into bin. NOTE: Most of the replay routines are saved as Amiga executables so they can be relocated properly, a few are just binary blobs of PC-relative code.


Edit the include paths in the makefiles to suit your environment and ensure _vasmm68kmot and shrinkler are in path, then run make.


All anti-cracker measures have been disabled from v2.46 onwards.

There is a checksum macro check in the main source file which is called at certain points. This checks if the application strings have been altered, making the app exit if the check fails. There is a CRC checksum check in the file _HippoPS3M3.s which does the same as the simpler check mentioned above. It will jump into a busy loop and display colors on screen if the check fails.