korem-lab / SGVFinder2

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ICRA and SGVFinder

This is a revised version of SGVFinder (https://github.com/segalab/SGVFinder). We replace the GEM Mapper with Bowtie2, fixed multiple bugs, and added methods for creating a custom database. This code first maps reads to a reference database of the choice. ICRA then corrects read assignments by coverage, based on re-distribution of ambiguously mapped reads. The corrected assignments are used to detect structural variants that are either variable across a cohort or deleted across 25-75% of it.

This code was addapted from the paper "Structural variation in the gut microbiome associates with host health" (Zeevi, D., Korem, T., Godneva, A. et al. Structural variation in the gut microbiome associates with host health. Nature 568, 43–48 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1065-y.).


You can install this package using the following command pip install --no-cache-dir git+https://github.com/korem-lab/SGVFinder2.git


  1. This package has the following dependencies:

    • python (tested with 3.10.12)
    • numpy (tested with 1.26.0)
    • pandas (tested with 2.1.0)
    • Cython (tested with 3.0.2)
    • ujson (tested with 5.8.0)
    • pysam (tested with 0.21.0)
    • scipy (tested with 1.11.2)
    • bokeh (tested with 3.2.2)
    • Bio (tested with 1.5.9)
    • bowtie2 (tested with 2.2.5)

    If you encounter issues, please try to run in an environment with these packages.

  2. It additionally requires C++ 11 and Cython installed.


See the workflow.ipynb for a non-parallelized simple implementation.

Creating a database

ICRA will run against a database of reference genomes. The database created is carried out with a single command createdb.py. The createdb.py command takes two arguments, the first is a directory with a single fasta file per genome and the second arguments is the prefix for the created database. Please note that only accepted file extensions are .fasta, .fa and .fa.gz.

Please note!

Following the successfull run of this command the final fasta file should also be made into a bowtie2 index with the command bowtie2-build <db_prefix>.fasta <db_prefix>. The code will not run without it!

(Note: you can also use the default reference database published with SGVFinder1: https://github.com/segalab/SGVFinder#install)

There are two main algorithms here - ICRA and SGVFinder.


ICRA has just a single method needed to operate it - single_file. You can use it directly from python (recommended). This method takes in a (/pair of) fastq files and outputs a jsdel file. This file is a json file saved with python's ujson package. It's a dictionary whose keys are the fastq read ids, and the values are mapping lists. Each such mapping list is a list of tuples, where the items in the tuple are: the destination id in the database, the position of the first read, the position of the second read (-1 if SE), the probablity ICRA gives to this mapping, and the mapping quality. You should run that method on each and every sample in your cohort.


SGVFinder has two stages, and hence two methods:

get_sample_map - generates coverage maps ber bacteria per sample. You can use it directly from python, or run it using the command-line wrapper SGVF_PerFile_cmd.py. You should run this method on the jsdel file of each and every sample in your cohort.

work_on_collection - generates the SV dataframes. You can use it directly from python or run it using the command-line wrapper SGVF_cmd.py. You should only run this method once. It takes as input a dictionary whose keys are the sample names and whose values are the sample_maps generated using get_sample_map. This is generated automatically from a glob string with the command-line wrapper.

NOTE: SGVFinder WILL NOT work on a single sample. If you have a small cohort we recommend changing the min_samp_cutoff (min=2) or running with --byorig.


SGVFinder offers several built-in commands to help run each step through a command line environment:

Note, you will need to install this package using pip install in order for these commands to work.