korrawe / Diffusion-Noise-Optimization

DNO: Optimizing Diffusion Noise Can Serve As Universal Motion Priors
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DNO: Optimizing Diffusion Noise Can Serve As Universal Motion Priors


The official PyTorch implementation of the paper "DNO: Optimizing Diffusion Noise Can Serve As Universal Motion Priors".

Visit our project page for more details.



If you find this code useful in your research, please cite:

  title     = {Optimizing Diffusion Noise Can Serve As Universal Motion Priors},
  author    = {Karunratanakul, Korrawe and Preechakul, Konpat and Aksan, Emre and Beeler, Thabo and Suwajanakorn, Supasorn and Tang, Siyu},
  booktitle = {arxiv:2312.11994},
  year      = {2023}


📢 13/June/24 - Full code release with demo.

📢 9/May/24 - Initial release with functional generation and evaluation code.

Getting started

Important: DNO is model agnostic and can be used with any diffusion model. The main file is dno.py. The demo code for different tasks is in sample/gen_dno.py.

This demo will show the result using MDM with Exponential Model Averaging (EMA) which we trained ourselves.

The environment setup is the same as GMD. If you already have a working environment, it should also work here.

This code was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and requires:

1. Setup environment

Install ffmpeg (if not already installed):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg

For windows use this instead.

2. Install dependencies

DNO uses the same dependencies as GMD so if you already install one, you can use the same environment here.

Setup conda env:

conda env create -f environment_gmd.yml
conda activate gmd
conda remove --force ffmpeg
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git

Download dependencies:

Text to Motion
bash prepare/download_smpl_files.sh
bash prepare/download_glove.sh
bash prepare/download_t2m_evaluators.sh

2. Get data

There are two paths to get the data:

(a) Generation only wtih pretrained text-to-motion model without training or evaluating

(b) Get full data to train and evaluate the model.

a. Generation only (text only)

HumanML3D - Clone HumanML3D, then copy the data dir to our repository:

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/EricGuo5513/HumanML3D.git
unzip ./HumanML3D/HumanML3D/texts.zip -d ./HumanML3D/HumanML3D/
cp -r HumanML3D/HumanML3D Diffusion-Noise-Optimization/dataset/HumanML3D
cd Diffusion-Noise-Optimization

b. Full data (text + motion capture)

HumanML3D - Follow the instructions in HumanML3D, then copy the result dataset to our repository:

Then copy the data to our repository

cp -r ../HumanML3D/HumanML3D ./dataset/HumanML3D

3. Download the pretrained models

Download our version of MDM, then unzip and place it in ./save/. The model is trained on the HumanML3D dataset.

MDM model with EMA

Motion Synthesis

We provide a demo code for motion editing, in-filling (and in-beetweening), refinement, and blending tasks in sample/gen_dno.py. The task can be selected by commenting or uncommenting from list on lines 54-58. The dense optimization task can be used for debugging and testing the optimization process.

Note: The only differences between these tasks are the reward/loss function and whether to start from DDIM inverted noise or random noise. The rest of the framework is the same.

The demo targets are currently hardcoded in sample/dno_helper.py and can be modified to your own target (e.g. our own reward function or hardcoded target pose/locations). In all tasks, the target pose and the mask need to be specified.

python -m sample.gen_dno --model_path ./save/mdm_avg_dno/model000500000_avg.pt --text_prompt "a person is jumping"

We can specify the initial motion by adding --load_from to the command. The initial motion must be in the same format as the target motion.

python -m sample.gen_dno --model_path ./save/mdm_avg_dno/model000500000_avg.pt --text_prompt "a person is jumping" --load_from ./save/mdm_avg_dno/samples_000500000_avg_seed20_a_person_is_jumping/trajectory_editing_dno_ref

Addional options:

Motion Editing

For motion editing there is a UI for trajectory editing that can be used with the flag USE_GUI as follows:

Content-preserved Editing

Target location at 90th frame, motion length 120 frames: sample_edit

Chained Editing

New target at 40th frame, start from previous output motion: sample_chain_edit

Pose Editing

Lower head location at 90th frame:


Note: For editing, we need an inverted noise to start from. We use DDIM inversion on the input motion to get the inverted noise, however, this process is an approximation. If available, we can use the final noise from the previous optimization to avoid the approximation.

Motion Refinement

Starting from noisy version of the above motion: sample_refinement

Motion Blending

"a person is walking forward" and "a person is jumping sideway": sample_blending

Motion Inbeetweening

Original motion generated with "a person is walking slightly to the left": sample_inbetweening

Useful Notes


Running the generation command will get you:

To create SMPL mesh per frame run:

python -m visualize.render_mesh --input_path /path/to/mp4/stick/figure/file

This script outputs:


For automatic rendering with Blender:


Motion Refinement

The script will evaluate the model on the HumanML3D dataset by adding noise to the ground truth motion. This will produce the DNO-MDM results in Table 2 of our paper.

python -m eval.eval_refinement --model_path ./save/mdm_avg_dno/model000500000_avg.pt

The generation can be sped up by incresing the batch size in the evaluation() function at the cost of GPU memory.

Motion Editing

The script will generate motions from the given text prompt and randomly change a location in a single frame to a new location. This will produce the DNO-MDM results in Table 1 of our paper.

python -m eval.eval_edit --model_path ./save/mdm_avg_dno/model000500000_avg.pt --text_prompt "a person is jumping" --seed 10

We used the following text prompts for the evaluation in our paper, mainly because of its ease of defining whether the content is preserved: "a person is walking with raised hands", "a person is jumping", "a person is crawling", "a person is doing a long jump"


Our code is built upon many prior projects and would like to thank the following contributors for the great foundation:

GMD, MDM, guided-diffusion, MotionCLIP, text-to-motion, actor, joints2smpl, MoDi.


This code is distributed under an MIT LICENSE.

Note that our code depends on other libraries, including CLIP, SMPL, SMPL-X, PyTorch3D, and uses datasets that each have their own respective licenses that must also be followed.