kosmolot-mods / geodesy

Geode Farm Design Tool
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Small Fabric mod for calculating amethyst farm flying machine layout. Inspired by the original ilmango's video and the flying machine based farm made by neffty87.


You should only run this in disposable worlds, either in single player or on servers where you have op. Command blocks must also be enabled.

The mod will destroy the immediate surroundings of the geode!

Video Tutorial by ilmango

Video Tutorial by ilmango

Step 1: Geode

Run /geodesy without any arguments to acquire The Unholy Book of Geodesy, as well as the set of blocks you will need to build the farm.

Scout out a nice geode. For our tutorial this small one will do.

Note: this method of amethyst farming tends to struggle with very large geodes, because of how many collisions they usually cause. Small to medium sized ones work best.

A small geode.

Step 2: Area

Run /geodesy area (first corner) (second corner) to clear out the surrounding area of any junk and calculate the geode area. The geode will be highlighted for you to verify you've entered correct coordinates.

You don't have to be exact with the corner coordinates - you can select a larger volume and the mod will find the geode anyway. The only time you have to be careful is when you have two geodes very close to each other (this is also the reason we don't have autodetection - it easily got confused with multiple geodes nearby).

Here I run /geodesy area 701 -24 -945 712 -15 -934:

Geode area excavated, bounding box displayed.

Step 3: Analyze

Run /geodesy analyze to perform combinations of projections on all axes and calculate their efficiency. While the best possible efficiency is achieved by running the flying machines on all three axes, sometimes just two are good enough. The exact numbers vary depending on the specific geode layout.

Here I run /geodesy analyze:

Geode analysis results.

Step 4: Project

Run /geodesy project (directions) to project the geode onto three planes and create the farm structure:

You can change the directions in three different aspects, without influencing the efficiency of the farm:

Here I run /geodesy project east south up:

Projection done.

Step 5: Sticky blocks

Place the slime and honey blocks outside the structure, as shown by ilmango in the video. All pumpkin blocks should be covered; no crying obsidian blocks should be covered. If you can't cover all pumpkin blocks, the efficiency of the farm will be slightly reduced.

Sticky block structures placed.

Step 6: Marker blocks

Using the supplied mob heads, place markers to indicate where the flying machines should go. Black mob head markes a blocker obsidian block, three green mob heads indicate a flying machine.

Flying machine markers placed.

Step 7: Assemble

Run /geodesy assemble to "push" the sticky block structures inside the obsidian frame and generate flying machines at locations that you marked. The redstone clock is also generated for your convenience - just connect it.

Assembled farm structure.

Step 8: Wiring

The rest is up to you! Add trigger wiring and collection system. When adding repeaters to the trigger wiring, make sure to set them to maximum delay. Again, watch ilmango's video for more information.

Finished farm.


Possible improvements?

For a list of things to do, see TODO.md.