kostya / benchmarks

Some benchmarks of different languages
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benchmarks languages

Table of Content


The benchmarks follow the criteria:

My other benchmarks: jit-benchmarks, crystal-benchmarks-game


The measured values are:

All values are presented as: median±median absolute deviation.

UPDATE: 2024-11-13

Test Cases


Testing brainfuck implementations using two code samples (bench.b and mandel.b). Supports two mode:



Language Time, s Memory, MiB Energy, J
Scala (Staged) 0.425±0.017 208.26±02.66 + 36.81±04.81 27.57±01.62
Racket (Staged) 0.885±0.000 105.98±00.09 + 0.00±00.00 34.27±00.03
Rust 1.012±0.000 2.00±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 42.99±00.30
C++/g++ 1.095±0.002 3.38±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 45.08±00.23
C/gcc 1.111±0.001 1.50±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 46.73±00.25
D/gdc 1.118±0.002 6.75±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 48.63±00.23
C/clang 1.138±0.001 1.38±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 48.14±00.11
C++/clang++ 1.166±0.000 2.88±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 49.24±01.17
D/ldc2 1.167±0.001 3.12±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 49.12±00.20
Nim/gcc 1.168±0.001 1.94±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 48.20±00.22
Java 1.188±0.000 42.25±00.11 + 0.81±00.06 48.12±00.33
V/gcc 1.198±0.001 2.12±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 47.85±00.12
Vala/gcc 1.210±0.001 5.38±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 50.36±00.52
Kotlin/JVM 1.227±0.002 44.92±00.09 + 0.88±00.12 51.69±00.13
Vala/clang 1.234±0.000 5.31±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 52.04±00.89
Go 1.247±0.001 3.62±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 51.44±00.38
Zig 1.266±0.003 1.25±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 53.30±01.05
Go/gccgo 1.288±0.000 23.88±00.12 + 0.00±00.00 54.12±00.51
C#/.NET Core 1.367±0.001 32.38±00.06 + 0.12±00.00 58.25±00.89
Julia 1.551±0.014 248.75±00.06 + 0.25±00.00 66.53±00.84
Nim/clang 1.582±0.000 2.12±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 64.79±00.92
F#/.NET Core 1.593±0.002 37.49±00.06 + 0.38±00.12 68.98±01.23
Crystal 1.635±0.004 3.44±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 68.71±00.54
OCaml 1.657±0.003 3.25±00.00 + 2.62±00.00 76.47±00.71
Chez Scheme 1.748±0.002 25.12±00.00 + 3.38±00.00 73.58±00.24
Racket 1.794±0.027 93.84±00.05 + 22.75±00.19 73.46±01.48
V/clang 1.891±0.019 2.06±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 82.57±01.03
C#/Mono 2.034±0.001 25.84±00.12 + 0.00±00.00 86.11±00.25
MLton 2.077±0.011 1.75±00.00 + 0.38±00.00 86.06±01.09
Scala 2.777±0.005 62.17±00.16 + 145.05±00.32 122.07±00.64
Node.js 3.150±0.005 46.78±00.00 + 6.12±00.00 131.99±01.28
Haskell (MArray) 3.236±0.003 4.12±00.00 + 4.12±00.00 134.34±00.29
D/dmd 3.328±0.001 3.50±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 125.22±00.34
Haskell (FP) 3.786±0.003 4.25±00.06 + 4.00±00.00 160.86±00.26
Ruby/truffleruby 4.669±0.152 201.88±00.69 + 814.31±49.81 225.04±10.28
Swift 5.593±0.008 17.38±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 210.94±02.31
Lua/luajit 5.687±0.024 2.62±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 234.94±01.49
Ruby/truffleruby (JVM) 5.884±0.028 390.44±02.98 + 468.57±35.67 289.91±02.92
Python/pypy 9.575±0.073 60.50±00.12 + 29.45±00.01 426.59±05.95
Idris 15.559±0.040 20.63±00.06 + 8.38±00.00 700.59±04.61
Elixir 20.530±0.047 71.27±00.45 + 0.00±00.00 816.30±01.74
Ruby (--jit) 31.953±0.050 21.47±00.07 + 4.88±00.00 1320.18±03.40
PHP 34.067±0.088 18.88±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 1442.70±16.86
Lua 37.027±0.060 2.62±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 1523.51±15.61
Python 54.076±0.669 11.88±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 2418.75±26.40
Ruby 71.836±0.205 11.31±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 3123.03±27.59
Ruby/jruby 79.903±1.524 203.90±02.51 + 222.73±32.77 3573.69±72.79
Tcl (FP) 193.372±0.720 4.62±00.12 + 0.00±00.00 8541.35±121.54
Perl 223.395±1.420 7.06±00.06 + 0.12±00.00 9755.30±45.94
Tcl (OOP) 382.403±3.408 4.62±00.12 + 0.12±00.00 16926.54±148.14


Mandel in Brainfuck

Language Time, s Memory, MiB Energy, J
Scala (Staged) 7.751±0.157 211.17±04.45 + 132.95±12.75 465.58±11.30
C++/g++ 10.076±0.018 3.50±00.00 + 0.62±00.00 416.16±01.64
C#/.NET Core 11.991±0.035 32.56±00.06 + 1.38±00.00 481.39±02.69
Java 12.441±0.041 42.18±00.16 + 2.18±00.07 500.84±03.37
C/gcc 12.597±0.005 1.62±00.00 + 0.25±00.00 509.44±01.23
C++/clang++ 12.910±0.015 3.00±00.00 + 0.62±00.00 534.77±00.89
Kotlin/JVM 13.168±0.070 44.94±00.06 + 1.94±00.27 551.88±02.60
C/clang 13.205±0.013 1.62±00.00 + 0.25±00.00 581.89±04.42
Zig 13.314±0.028 1.38±00.06 + 1.00±00.00 558.65±04.76
F#/.NET Core 13.335±0.024 37.61±00.06 + 2.12±00.12 534.94±02.52
Go 14.113±0.014 3.62±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 568.61±02.43
Rust 14.242±0.020 1.88±00.00 + 0.25±00.00 569.99±01.08
D/ldc2 14.272±0.019 3.25±00.06 + 0.75±00.00 584.52±03.64
V/gcc 14.333±0.038 2.12±00.06 + 1.00±00.00 560.92±03.16
Vala/gcc 14.436±0.031 5.38±00.00 + 0.62±00.00 572.24±04.78
Racket (Staged) 14.758±0.159 105.70±00.14 + 71.38±01.87 584.52±06.50
Vala/clang 14.781±0.010 5.38±00.12 + 0.62±00.00 593.05±01.04
Crystal 14.942±0.019 3.50±00.00 + 0.25±00.00 631.98±02.50
Nim/gcc 15.017±0.014 2.06±00.06 + 1.50±00.00 608.83±01.49
D/gdc 15.433±0.016 6.75±00.00 + 0.88±00.00 642.43±03.76
Scala 16.477±0.112 62.29±00.09 + 144.88±00.19 717.49±03.80
Nim/clang 17.695±0.052 2.38±00.12 + 1.50±00.00 719.34±09.74
Swift 18.038±0.044 17.62±00.12 + 0.12±00.00 740.60±03.26
V/clang 18.356±0.084 2.12±00.06 + 1.00±00.00 806.70±06.57
Go/gccgo 18.686±0.314 24.06±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 773.76±12.67
OCaml 24.514±0.018 4.38±00.00 + 3.12±00.00 1178.94±06.82
Julia 30.494±0.068 248.88±00.00 + 0.25±00.00 1291.74±10.50
C#/Mono 31.075±0.053 25.81±00.15 + 0.75±00.00 1320.05±03.33
Chez Scheme 31.201±0.191 25.45±00.00 + 3.12±00.00 1372.33±16.13
Lua/luajit 31.900±0.061 2.50±00.06 + 0.25±00.00 1318.65±02.87
MLton 33.684±0.058 1.75±00.00 + 4.27±00.00 1527.54±10.09
Node.js 34.372±0.081 46.80±00.00 + 8.62±00.12 1380.19±03.68
Haskell (MArray) 35.178±0.039 4.00±00.06 + 5.12±00.00 1431.66±08.02
Racket 35.789±0.831 93.83±00.07 + 23.62±00.12 1591.23±45.98
D/dmd 37.954±0.004 3.38±00.06 + 0.88±00.00 1390.20±05.03
Python/pypy 41.239±0.111 60.38±00.12 + 30.13±00.05 1834.39±16.72
Ruby/truffleruby 48.778±0.439 201.31±00.94 + 734.44±18.06 2375.16±22.12
Ruby/truffleruby (JVM) 50.823±2.734 393.21±05.77 + 405.25±32.51 2255.45±41.59
Idris 66.743±0.120 21.82±00.00 + 9.25±00.00 2977.76±12.58
Haskell (FP) 78.765±0.269 4.00±00.00 + 76.00±00.00 3323.00±06.05


Testing base64 encoding/decoding of the large blob into the newly allocated buffers.


Language Time, s Memory, MiB Energy, J
C/clang (aklomp) 0.095±0.001 2.12±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 4.50±00.05
C/gcc (aklomp) 0.097±0.000 2.12±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 4.56±00.02
PHP 0.105±0.000 19.25±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 4.93±00.03
Go (base64x) 0.275±0.002 6.62±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 13.00±00.06
Node.js 0.663±0.004 45.19±00.02 + 40.96±00.16 29.74±00.50
Zig 0.703±0.000 1.75±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 26.41±00.10
Rust 0.875±0.000 2.38±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 36.15±00.19
C/clang 0.918±0.000 2.00±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 33.80±00.13
Nim/clang 0.944±0.002 2.81±00.06 + 4.94±00.06 37.54±00.31
Crystal 1.039±0.001 3.88±00.00 + 1.00±00.00 42.82±00.44
C/gcc 1.106±0.001 1.88±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 40.27±00.33
D/ldc2 1.179±0.001 3.75±00.00 + 3.38±00.00 48.73±00.37
Nim/gcc 1.347±0.001 2.62±00.00 + 4.62±00.00 54.54±00.35
Java 1.433±0.002 43.05±00.10 + 215.12±03.94 59.06±00.69
Ruby (--jit) 1.503±0.002 15.09±00.06 + 72.88±00.38 58.96±00.26
Scala 1.531±0.002 59.09±00.11 + 265.94±05.44 65.30±00.39
Kotlin/JVM 1.567±0.003 45.92±00.12 + 263.50±05.75 67.15±00.22
V/gcc 1.630±0.001 2.62±00.00 + 2379.12±01.50 59.57±00.39
Vala/gcc 1.645±0.001 5.75±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 63.19±00.43
Vala/clang 1.645±0.001 5.81±00.06 + 0.12±00.00 63.50±01.04
Go 1.659±0.005 4.25±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 68.14±00.65
C++/clang++ (libcrypto) 1.705±0.003 6.06±00.06 + 0.11±00.00 68.13±00.60
C++/g++ (libcrypto) 1.706±0.004 6.50±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 68.03±00.51
Ruby 1.738±0.002 11.75±00.06 + 39.74±00.39 68.37±00.46
Perl (MIME::Base64) 2.000±0.003 14.94±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 80.98±00.50
C#/.NET Core 2.494±0.039 33.85±00.03 + 17.63±01.91 97.82±01.66
F#/.NET Core 2.580±0.027 38.48±00.01 + 19.97±01.83 98.40±01.39
Tcl 2.753±0.005 5.12±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 114.23±00.59
Python 2.872±0.001 11.62±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 112.57±00.90
Julia 2.983±0.002 263.48±00.11 + 28.98±00.08 120.37±00.91
Go/gccgo 3.020±0.005 25.00±00.12 + 0.00±00.00 142.55±00.34
V/clang 3.248±0.001 2.75±00.00 + 2388.56±00.50 119.99±00.66
Python/pypy 3.249±0.009 60.25±00.12 + 31.31±00.05 143.38±01.06
Ruby/truffleruby (JVM) 3.443±0.007 389.16±05.72 + 294.50±17.44 173.84±01.07
Racket 3.903±0.006 93.95±00.11 + 25.88±00.12 155.48±00.43
D/gdc 3.920±0.001 7.06±00.06 + 3.75±00.06 162.11±01.78
D/dmd 4.020±0.002 3.62±00.00 + 3.38±00.00 164.62±00.95
C#/Mono 4.800±0.010 26.58±00.20 + 18.86±00.03 198.99±01.14
Ruby/jruby 6.210±0.070 196.29±01.99 + 144.32±10.97 273.42±04.78
Ruby/truffleruby 8.259±0.038 200.88±00.50 + 542.00±02.56 399.78±03.55
Perl (MIME::Base64::Perl) 10.394±0.088 16.25±00.06 + 0.21±00.03 457.56±03.07


Testing parsing and simple calculating of values from a big JSON file.

Few notes:


Language Time, s Memory, MiB Energy, J
C++/clang++ (simdjson On-Demand) 0.061±0.000 112.88±00.00 + 59.75±00.00 2.55±00.01
C++/g++ (simdjson On-Demand) 0.061±0.000 113.50±00.00 + 59.75±00.00 2.56±00.01
C++/clang++ (DAW JSON Link NoCheck) 0.071±0.000 112.71±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 2.95±00.03
C++/g++ (DAW JSON Link NoCheck) 0.083±0.000 113.21±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 3.39±00.02
C++/clang++ (DAW JSON Link) 0.092±0.000 112.77±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 3.84±00.03
C++/g++ (DAW JSON Link) 0.092±0.000 113.33±00.01 + 0.00±00.00 3.78±00.04
C++/clang++ (simdjson DOM) 0.103±0.001 112.81±00.06 + 174.75±00.81 4.67±00.06
C++/g++ (simdjson DOM) 0.105±0.001 113.38±00.00 + 172.62±00.31 4.82±00.05
Rust (Serde Custom) 0.107±0.000 111.62±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 4.54±00.03
Rust (Serde Typed) 0.112±0.000 111.62±00.00 + 12.12±00.00 4.73±00.07
C++/g++ (gason) 0.127±0.000 113.21±00.00 + 96.75±00.00 5.11±00.06
D/ldc2 (Mir Asdf DOM) 0.132±0.000 112.88±00.00 + 61.25±00.00 5.41±00.05
C++/clang++ (gason) 0.134±0.000 112.70±00.06 + 96.75±00.00 5.32±00.03
C++/g++ (RapidJSON) 0.144±0.002 113.34±00.06 + 125.54±01.73 6.15±00.12
Scala (jsoniter-scala) 0.153±0.001 279.53±00.11 + 26.48±00.73 8.43±00.17
Go (rjson custom) 0.194±0.000 113.94±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 7.52±00.02
C++/clang++ (RapidJSON) 0.195±0.001 112.83±00.00 + 128.62±00.00 8.20±00.03
C++/g++ (RapidJSON Precise) 0.202±0.001 113.34±00.00 + 128.75±00.00 8.61±00.08
Go (Sonic) 0.204±0.002 123.62±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 8.87±00.07
D/ldc2 (Mir Amazon's Ion DOM) 0.220±0.001 112.88±00.00 + 80.75±00.00 9.32±00.03
Go (rjson) 0.221±0.000 114.00±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 8.58±00.04
Zig 0.225±0.000 111.12±00.00 + 39.25±00.00 9.76±00.13
Go (goccy/go-json) 0.260±0.001 114.44±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 10.41±00.16
C++/clang++ (RapidJSON Precise) 0.262±0.001 112.71±00.00 + 128.75±00.00 11.06±00.14
C++/g++ (RapidJSON SAX) 0.351±0.001 113.21±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 15.53±00.10
C/clang (yajl) 0.362±0.001 111.31±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 15.71±00.27
C/gcc (yajl) 0.365±0.000 111.31±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 15.77±00.10
C++/g++ (Boost.JSON) 0.365±0.001 113.60±00.00 + 307.75±00.00 15.48±00.06
C++/clang++ (Boost.JSON) 0.375±0.002 112.96±00.12 + 307.75±00.00 16.06±00.10
Nim/clang (jsony) 0.382±0.001 112.06±00.06 + 154.12±00.00 16.10±00.29
Nim/gcc (jsony) 0.408±0.001 111.62±00.00 + 156.19±01.75 17.33±00.14
C++/clang++ (RapidJSON SAX) 0.417±0.001 195.08±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 17.70±00.04
C++/g++ (RapidJSON SAX Precise) 0.427±0.000 113.34±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 19.06±00.18
Node.js 0.437±0.001 155.54±00.06 + 201.31±03.75 21.57±00.11
C++/clang++ (RapidJSON SAX Precise) 0.514±0.000 195.08±00.00 + 0.12±00.00 22.66±00.11
Go (jsoniter) 0.542±0.001 114.25±00.12 + 0.00±00.00 22.00±00.31
C#/.NET Core (System.Text.Json) 0.549±0.002 490.00±00.08 + 140.62±00.19 24.45±00.29
Rust (Serde Untyped) 0.558±0.001 111.75±00.00 + 839.88±00.00 23.69±00.30
Java (DSL-JSON) 0.571±0.004 267.72±00.12 + 288.95±01.92 30.06±00.56
Python/pypy 0.614±0.000 280.79±00.01 + 125.21±00.00 26.83±00.15
V/clang 0.634±0.001 111.75±00.12 + 496.00±00.00 26.49±00.14
V/gcc 0.634±0.000 111.81±00.06 + 496.00±00.00 26.77±00.27
Crystal (Pull) 0.634±0.002 113.44±00.06 + 18.12±00.00 27.95±00.31
Crystal (Schema) 0.647±0.001 113.38±00.00 + 50.75±00.00 28.21±00.09
Nim/gcc (Packedjson) 0.673±0.001 112.00±00.00 + 294.19±00.06 28.78±00.44
Nim/clang (Packedjson) 0.675±0.001 112.38±00.12 + 294.25±00.00 29.45±00.42
CPython (UltraJSON) 0.720±0.002 123.90±00.00 + 476.31±00.88 28.65±00.08
Perl (Cpanel::JSON::XS) 0.772±0.006 125.44±00.06 + 402.88±00.00 32.07±00.29
PHP 0.805±0.002 128.44±00.06 + 517.88±00.00 34.83±00.19
Go 0.825±0.001 114.00±00.00 + 0.00±00.00 34.28±00.40
Python 0.895±0.004 121.73±00.06 + 325.88±00.00 37.83±00.56
Crystal 0.947±0.008 113.50±00.00 + 392.12±00.00 41.02±00.80
Nim/gcc 1.023±0.002 112.06±00.06 + 1001.25±00.00 42.77±00.18
C#/.NET Core 1.064±0.004 496.26±00.18 + 273.00±00.12 50.88±00.49
Nim/clang 1.091±0.002 112.38±00.00 + 999.00±00.00 45.69±00.46
Clojure 1.141±0.022 411.01±04.96 + 545.75±15.06 60.70±00.83
C++/g++ (json-c) 1.203±0.002 113.35±00.00 + 1215.88±00.00 50.53±00.81
C++/clang++ (Nlohmann) 1.205±0.001 112.89±00.06 + 359.88±00.00 50.78±00.19
C++/clang++ (json-c) 1.205±0.005 112.91±00.06 + 1215.88±00.00 50.10±00.29
Go/gccgo 1.227±0.002 139.38±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 50.43±00.12
C++/g++ (Nlohmann) 1.274±0.002 113.40±00.06 + 447.88±00.00 53.66±00.57
Ruby (--jit) 1.330±0.017 127.03±00.43 + 213.50±00.62 56.45±00.76
Ruby 1.360±0.004 121.25±00.00 + 212.75±00.00 57.49±00.53
F#/.NET Core (System.Text.Json) 1.498±0.006 498.96±00.06 + 231.38±04.12 68.65±00.71
D/ldc2 1.742±0.002 113.25±00.00 + 708.38±00.06 73.21±00.37
Ruby (YAJL) 1.745±0.005 121.38±00.12 + 219.06±00.06 73.96±00.69
C#/Mono 1.789±0.010 253.37±00.07 + 31.54±00.03 77.28±00.84
C3 1.962±0.004 111.88±00.00 + 795.88±00.00 81.93±00.35
Haskell 2.008±0.005 115.88±00.00 + 723.56±00.19 86.20±00.70
C++/g++ (Boost.PropertyTree) 2.515±0.009 113.40±00.06 + 1439.88±00.00 107.37±01.05
Rust (jq) 2.597±0.006 113.50±00.06 + 903.47±01.19 108.44±00.97
C++/clang++ (Boost.PropertyTree) 2.625±0.007 195.14±00.06 + 1232.62±00.00 112.22±00.99
Odin 2.824±0.003 111.44±00.06 + 20.00±00.00 117.93±00.75
Ruby/jruby 2.869±0.026 469.56±03.09 + 890.16±23.07 146.96±02.03
Vala/gcc 3.089±0.009 115.31±00.06 + 980.00±00.00 131.83±00.56
Vala/clang 3.094±0.006 115.38±00.00 + 980.00±00.00 132.11±00.59
D/dmd 3.101±0.003 113.38±00.00 + 708.56±00.06 133.40±01.11
D/gdc 3.493±0.022 116.62±00.06 + 708.75±00.00 148.35±00.78
Racket 3.819±0.025 320.69±00.42 + 225.56±00.12 159.99±01.22
Perl (JSON::Tiny) 9.297±0.067 126.00±00.00 + 528.69±00.01 409.51±01.80
Ruby/truffleruby (JVM) 10.154±0.186 483.81±04.05 + 2243.44±141.72 637.52±13.44
Ruby/truffleruby 10.192±0.089 398.88±02.12 + 1932.31±17.38 586.73±04.37


Testing allocating and multiplying matrices.


Language Time, s Memory, MiB Energy, J
D/ldc2 (lubeck) 0.042±0.001 16.19±02.25 + 48.19±02.31 4.17±00.04
Python (NumPy) 0.066±0.001 39.59±02.13 + 52.95±02.12 5.61±00.04
Nim/gcc (Arraymancer) 0.073±0.002 10.69±03.00 + 53.19±03.06 5.81±00.10
Java (ND4J) 0.082±0.001 117.87±01.02 + 92.62±00.00 6.38±00.11
Rust (ndarray) 0.091±0.001 2.50±00.00 + 68.48±00.00 6.18±00.06
Nim/clang (Arraymancer) 0.112±0.027 20.44±02.25 + 44.06±02.25 7.99±01.36
Julia (threads: 2) 0.119±0.000 263.91±00.08 + 57.19±00.06 6.62±00.02
C++/g++ (Eigen) 0.147±0.000 4.21±00.00 + 85.54±00.00 7.23±00.09
C++/clang++ (Eigen) 0.147±0.000 4.75±00.00 + 85.42±00.00 7.31±00.03
Julia (threads: 1) 0.170±0.000 263.98±00.07 + 56.62±00.00 7.95±00.04
V/clang (VSL + CBLAS) 0.274±0.003 14.31±02.00 + 44.88±01.88 19.26±00.20
V/clang (VSL) 0.274±0.004 14.38±02.75 + 44.69±02.69 18.94±00.23
V/gcc (VSL + CBLAS) 0.469±0.006 12.94±02.44 + 46.31±02.38 35.29±00.27
V/gcc (VSL) 0.484±0.002 13.25±02.44 + 45.94±02.25 32.84±00.15
Julia (no BLAS) 1.110±0.018 263.50±00.00 + 51.88±00.00 48.27±00.89
D/gdc 1.504±0.000 7.12±00.06 + 4.00±00.00 56.83±00.29
D/ldc2 1.723±0.002 3.62±00.06 + 70.38±00.00 64.10±00.41
D/dmd 1.881±0.002 3.44±00.06 + 70.38±00.00 71.95±00.51
C/gcc 3.034±0.000 2.00±00.00 + 68.38±00.00 112.68±00.46
V/gcc 3.036±0.000 2.50±00.00 + 68.75±00.00 113.43±00.28
Vala/clang 3.061±0.001 5.66±00.03 + 68.38±00.00 107.97±01.66
Rust 3.064±0.001 2.25±00.00 + 68.50±00.00 107.36±01.14
V/clang 3.064±0.001 2.88±00.00 + 68.75±00.00 106.71±00.68
C/clang 3.066±0.000 2.00±00.00 + 68.38±00.00 105.48±00.31
Zig 3.068±0.002 1.75±00.00 + 68.62±00.00 109.29±00.23
Nim/gcc 3.094±0.002 2.50±00.00 + 57.88±00.00 115.51±00.14
Java 3.107±0.006 43.27±00.10 + 78.61±00.08 123.58±00.40
Swift 3.117±0.001 8.31±00.06 + 68.62±00.00 112.98±00.66
Nim/clang 3.121±0.001 2.88±00.12 + 57.88±00.00 108.74±00.94
Vala/gcc 3.130±0.001 5.53±00.03 + 68.50±00.00 115.26±00.63
Go 3.153±0.000 4.00±00.12 + 0.00±00.00 114.91±00.69
Crystal 3.154±0.001 4.00±00.06 + 59.50±00.00 113.86±01.39
Go/gccgo 3.160±0.000 24.38±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 112.72±00.89
Kotlin/JVM 3.197±0.002 43.74±00.09 + 78.32±00.17 124.82±00.65
Node.js 3.201±0.001 54.88±00.13 + 70.75±00.12 125.28±00.24
Python/pypy 3.263±0.002 61.00±00.00 + 68.75±00.12 136.35±00.22
Scala 3.295±0.004 61.33±00.10 + 150.06±00.06 121.09±00.77
C#/.NET Core 4.890±0.001 34.75±00.07 + 68.88±00.00 199.16±01.76
C#/Mono 7.394±0.002 26.13±00.15 + 69.62±00.00 307.51±01.02
Ruby/truffleruby 23.778±0.432 323.12±01.06 + 495.12±08.81 822.87±11.67
Ruby/truffleruby (JVM) 24.266±0.702 460.01±13.73 + 344.48±85.17 849.21±19.35
Python 131.064±0.887 11.94±00.06 + 68.62±00.00 6080.98±50.15
Perl 149.885±1.491 8.75±00.12 + 379.62±00.00 6523.98±63.31
Ruby (--jit) 153.769±0.077 21.87±00.03 + 68.44±00.06 6836.84±17.55
Tcl 205.038±0.931 7.50±00.00 + 400.25±00.00 9334.51±36.78
Ruby 213.180±0.222 11.62±00.00 + 69.25±00.00 9606.45±45.45
Ruby/jruby 378.246±8.095 269.65±12.79 + 1169.97±99.95 15729.25±399.84





Language Time, s Memory, MiB Energy, J
Zig 0.060±0.000 1.50±00.00 + 47.88±00.25 2.52±00.02
C++/g++ 0.064±0.001 3.62±00.12 + 85.86±00.56 2.50±00.02
Go 0.072±0.001 3.56±00.06 + 0.00±00.00 3.13±00.06
C++/clang++ 0.075±0.000 3.12±00.12 + 64.66±00.12 2.85±00.03
V/clang 0.100±0.000 2.25±00.00 + 200.38±00.94 4.15±00.03
Rust 0.103±0.000 2.00±00.00 + 72.98±00.00 4.05±00.06
V/gcc 0.105±0.001 2.12±00.00 + 215.81±02.50 4.36±00.05
Java 0.136±0.003 41.95±00.12 + 126.09±05.43 7.73±00.17
Crystal 0.142±0.000 3.44±00.06 + 89.06±00.62 5.77±00.06
Scala 0.193±0.002 63.27±00.10 + 147.50±04.91 11.42±00.09
Node.js 0.195±0.000 44.05±00.00 + 147.14±00.26 10.22±00.04
Nim/gcc 0.290±0.002 1.75±00.00 + 596.00±04.81 11.18±00.16
Nim/clang 0.291±0.001 2.12±00.00 + 585.56±03.38 11.34±00.10
Lua/luajit 0.305±0.001 2.56±00.06 + 157.53±00.65 12.31±00.03
Julia 0.419±0.002 263.62±00.00 + 216.46±02.14 15.98±00.08
Python/pypy 0.636±0.003 60.00±00.12 + 248.82±00.07 26.09±00.26
Racket 0.751±0.001 111.73±00.41 + 246.77±00.46 29.66±00.18
Ruby/truffleruby 0.895±0.009 201.19±02.19 + 649.06±40.88 60.60±00.54
Ruby (--jit) 1.214±0.003 23.14±00.06 + 163.74±00.49 49.45±00.50
Lua 1.218±0.004 2.50±00.00 + 283.91±00.62 49.71±00.55
Ruby/truffleruby (JVM) 1.305±0.052 393.06±03.76 + 462.28±33.59 84.79±03.35
Ruby 1.964±0.007 11.38±00.06 + 172.75±00.31 82.09±00.37
Ruby/jruby 2.245±0.083 200.22±01.74 + 552.07±44.14 120.12±05.85
Python 2.275±0.007 11.62±00.00 + 172.88±00.69 98.93±01.08

Tests Execution


CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2324G

Base Docker image: Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid

Language Version
.NET Core 8.0.403
C#/.NET Core 4.11.0-3.24468.6 (b4e5d1dd)
C3 0.6.4
Chez Scheme 10.0.0
Clojure "1.12.0"
Crystal 1.14.0
D/dmd v2.109.1
D/gdc 14.2.0
D/ldc2 1.39.0
Elixir 1.14.0
F#/.NET Core 12.8.401.0 for F# 8.0
Go go1.23.2
Go/gccgo 14.2.0
Haskell 9.8.2
Idris 2 0.6.0
Java 23.0.1
Julia v"1.11.1"
Kotlin 2.0.21
Lua 5.4.6
Lua/luajit 2.1.1723681758
MLton 20210117
Nim 2.2.0
Node.js v23.1.0
OCaml 5.2.0
Odin dev-2024-11-nightly
PHP 8.2.24
Perl v5.40.0
Python 3.12.6
Python/pypy 7.3.17-final0 for Python 3.10.14
Racket "8.14"
Ruby 3.3.5p100
Ruby/truffleruby 24.1.1
Rust 1.82.0
Scala 3.5.2
Swift 6.0.2
Tcl 8.6
V 0.4.8 2ab1523
Vala 0.56.17
Zig 0.13.0
clang/clang++ 19.1.2 (1)
gcc/g++ 14.2.0

Using Docker

Build the image:

$ docker build docker/ -t benchmarks

Run the image:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/src benchmarks <cmd>

where <cmd> is:

Please note that the actual measurements provided in the project are taken semi-manually (via shell) as the full update takes days and could have occassional issues in Docker.

There is a ./run.sh that could be used to simplify Docker usage:

Manual Execution

Makefiles contain recipes for building and executing tests with the proper dependencies. Please use make run (and make run2 where applicable). The measurements are taken using analyze.rb script:

$ cd <test suite>
$ ../analyze.rb make run
$ ../analyze.rb make run[<single test>]

Please note that the measurements could take hours. It uses 10 iterations by default, but it could be changed using ATTEMPTS environment variable:

$ ATTEMPTS=1 ../analyze.rb make run


Please use Dockerfile as a reference regarding which packages and tools are required.

For all (optional):

For Python:

For C++:

For Rust:

For Java, Scala:

For Haskell:

For Perl:

For Vala:


Please follow the criteria specified in the overview. Besides that please ensure that the communication protocol between a test and the test runner is satisfied:

Makefile guide

Binary executables

If the test is compiled into a single binary, then two sections of the Makefile require changes:

Compiled artifacts

If the test is compiled, but can't be executed directly as a binary, then three sections of the Makefile require changes:

Scripting language

If the test doesn't require compilation, then two sections of the Makefile requires changes:

README update

TOC is regenerated using git-markdown-toc:

./run.sh toc