kowhai-2018 / Final-Project

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How you Doin'? || Mood

Our application will help you track your mood and can help you find out how it came there. The goal of the app is to create awareness and provide you with useful tips on how to improve it and to visualise how your mood has been over the course of time.


See Wiki for an up to date list - https://github.com/kowhai-2018/Final-Project/wiki/Goals

How to start

git clone https://github.com/kowhai-2018/Final-Project.git
cd Final-Project && yarn

To start the development server with a watcher that rebuilds your code, run yarn dev. The assets built by webpack are placed in server/public. This folder is defined as a static folder in an Express.js server that can be started with npm run server.

Additional components should be placed in client/components.

Separate client/server

This application is also set up to host the client using webpack-dev-server with hot module reloading etc. To use this method, in one terminal run:

yarn client

and in the other:

yarn server

The client will be available on http://localhost:8080 and the server on http://localhost:3000. Note that you will still need to manage CORS between the two, as they are on different ports.