koying / SPMC

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The "let's refresh graphics for SPMC 17" thread #721

Open koying opened 7 years ago

koying commented 7 years ago

Time to refresh the graphics for SPMC, and this is a call to artists. If you're interested, please submit your art here.

Honestly, I'll just pick the one I prefer, no votes or anything, but constructive comments/discussions are welcome. The "I don't like it" posts > /dev/null FWIW, I like abstract art.

Requirements are: 1) Final submissions must be in SVG (for vector) or 4K PNG (for raster). No photoshop thingies ;) 2) License is whatever you want, but I have to have the right (even if personally) to use and edit you art 3) Interim versions/previews might be whatever your want, obviously, but please be prepared to fulfill 1) & 2) before you submit

What is needed is:

Thanks in advance for your submissions.


komadori82 commented 7 years ago

I'd love to help, but I cannot do art, sadly.

My suggestion is, however, that you'd put this request into a more prominent position. I doubt most people using this software venture into the issues section for something like this.

koying commented 7 years ago

Not overly important from my POV, but some want a refresh, so...

ziggy73701 commented 7 years ago

For what its worth... the current logo gets my vote...

mjbxx commented 7 years ago

I never really understood why a change of the SPMC logo was needed to begin with. Seriously, just look at the old and new SPMC logo's and tell me how I may be wrong on this. Please, bring back the original if at all possible as it actually appears to be more modern looking than the existing one.

Ogreen28 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I can try to do something for you, I did all design and splash screen for Dune Media Controller app (android version) ;)

browned commented 7 years ago

Looking at other app icons and logos on the Android TV home screen a majority are plan and simple. Not many colours, simple small logos and large bold title text. All centered.

Perhaps a simplified design, one or two blues for the background, SPMC logo/name in large text, then small text, very hard to read on 1080p screen, "Seriously 'Forked' by Koying" :-)

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

will try something ;)

nautipuss commented 7 years ago

Here's my go at it. A super-simple old-school style with a subtle nod to the "forking".



classicjazz commented 7 years ago

If @koying is open to it, my preference would be to permit users to completely "skin" SPMC. In other words, define a folder and file naming structure within .spmc folder where the SPMC program would look for graphical assets to be used after first application run. Then, users could create their own personal Android icons, splash page, etc. with matching colors to their SPMC/Kodi skins.

koying commented 7 years ago

@classicjazz Unfortunately, android graphics are pretty much "hardcoded", I'm not aware (although there probably is a way) how to make it dynamic the way you propose.

browned commented 7 years ago

@nautipuss , I can't open the files inside the zip file. They are all about 2KB in size. Is it me, 7zip, or Windows, or all of the above.

nautipuss commented 7 years ago

@browned, not sure why they're not opening, it should contain three SVGs. I'll check the files.

Ogreen28 commented 7 years ago

Hi, No problem, I can open files with internet explorer.

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Hey koying,

now i trying a little bit with some new looks for the icon. And now I have a little question because the name SPMC...

Why you choose this name. I like the meaning of the first letter "SP = Semper". The advertised letters, Semper, feel much more modern than only the letters SPMC which are based on the old XBMC. Maybe you like also this Idea? :)

Ogreen28 commented 7 years ago

Why not ;)

rfgamaral commented 7 years ago

Following up on @Ston3s idea... The name Semper with an icon stylized in the same manner as the Kodi one. It could work as a nod to Kodi and as a reference to being a fork. Just a thought.

99rook99 commented 7 years ago

Isn't SPMC Semper Pax Media Centre?

koying commented 7 years ago

Yep, it is

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Oh, my fail...

And what is the meaning of this two words?

My question is, should I/we try to create graphics for SPMC or for a bit more modern naming like "Semper", "Semper Pax" or a combo of both words like "SemPax".

Please, understand this not wrong it's only a question because I like this project, try to help with my ideas for new graphics and maybe give a modern naming scheme with the original "ID/DNA" of the meaning of SPmc.

Thank you for this Project!

koying commented 7 years ago

"Semper Pax" is basically "Peace forever, in Latin". But SPMC sticked, so let's continue with that.

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Very sad about that but ok 😦

Ogreen28 commented 7 years ago

We have to keep same colors ?

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

here some ideas for modern/minimalistic AndroidTV Banner... spmc1 spmc2 spmc3 spmc4 spmc5

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Fonts and colors are of course no fixed. Just going to show in what direction it could be :)

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Here how it would look like in AndroidTV-Menu...

wall1 wall2 wall3 wall4 wall5

browned commented 7 years ago

I wasn't sure looking at the images be themselves, but in the Android TV menu Image 3 and 5 look pretty good to me. Maybe with image 5 the blue gradient can be switched, dark at the bottom and light at the top. Perhaps more dark as well.

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

here a example of inverted colors...

spmc_wall5 2 spmc_wall6

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Some more trys...

spmc_wall8 2 spmc_wall8 1 spmc_wall8

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

and next one...


rfgamaral commented 7 years ago

It's always @koying decision but I think the current SPMC graphics are better than the current submissions.

I'm sorry, I have to be honest and a little blunt but I really don't like them. To me, those shadows and gradients feel like graphics from the 90s. It's not my intention to offend anyone, It's just my opinion.

classicjazz commented 7 years ago

Since Android TV is the primary target, I would suggest sticking with Material Design colors scheme and patterns.

See https://material.io/guidelines/style/color.html#color-color-palette https://developer.android.com/design/tv/index.html and https://material.io/guidelines/style/icons.html#icons-product-icons

Most Android TV apps now consist of either: (1) a white logo on a solid color background (e.g. YouTube, Plex, Netflix, Vudu, CBS, PBS) or (2) a simple icon next to a highly legible font (e.g. new Google Play Games, Music, Videos, Photos).

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

@rfgmaral your turn ;)

lllopo commented 7 years ago

Here a few ideas. Let me know if you like some and I'll work on an icon and splash for it.

spmc_banner_1 spmc_banner_2

Ogreen28 commented 7 years ago

Yep ;)

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

@classicjazz like your idea with material design

but first my last try...

spmc11 spmc_wall11

this is the first mockup of this idea, nothing final!

lllopo commented 7 years ago

Hahahah ... ok, I was just about to upload mine latest ... it's getting hot ... here a few from me too : spmc_banner spmc_banner_2 spmc_banner_3 spmc_banner_4 spmc_banner_inv

lllopo commented 7 years ago

... the upload makes mines blurry for some reason, though ... dunno why.

browned commented 7 years ago

Some good looking designs coming now. Hope @koying likes one of them.

lllopo commented 7 years ago

And here how eventually it would look like (it's a slightly refined version of one of the above) @Ston3s - used your back to make the things comparable.


Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Of course... no prob

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

Here the next step for me...

spmc12 1 spmc_wall12 1

Next I will try some colors... (old color scheme and new material colors)

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

dark theme...

spmc12 2 spmc_wall12 2

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

dark uni-color backgrounds...

spmc12 3 spmc12 4

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

here the S-logo with old spmc-colors...

spmc12 6 spmc_wall12 6

spmc12 5 spmc_wall12 5

For me personally is the white one with the spmc-lolors my favorites. If people and of course koying like it then I will be more work put in the final version. But for now these are my two cents...

lllopo commented 7 years ago

Ok. My final post, have no time to play further. 3 variants : normal, light and a slightly metrialized normal one. Hope we'll get some feedback from @koying . If some fo mine wins - the icon and splash will follow. Anyway, there you go : back back_1 back_2 spmc_banner_1 spmc_banner_2 spmc_banner_3

Ston3s commented 7 years ago

In this moment a get maybe another good idea for an SPMC-Icon but this will follow not today... To all have a nice day and be blessed!

rfgamaral commented 7 years ago

My personal favorite is the following from @lllopo:

Although I think the text size is a bit small, something between the above and the below:

lllopo commented 7 years ago

@rfgamaral These are concepts anyway. If something get approved, it may/will be refined.

rfgamaral commented 7 years ago

I know @lllopo, I was just voicing my opinion :)

Ogreen28 commented 7 years ago

as rfgamaral, I like the N°1 ;)