koying / SPMC

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Test builds for SPMC 17 (Krypton) #936

Open koying opened 7 years ago

koying commented 7 years ago

As the tile says.

20171202: 17.6 Alpha 2 http://download.semperpax.com/spmc/android-arm/SPMC-17.6a2-spmc-ed022ef-armeabi-v7a.apk

CiNcH83 commented 7 years ago

OK, according to log: 15:06:58.988 T:18446744072427190576 DEBUG: OnKey: long-backspace (0x100f008) pressed, action is PictureInPicture

Why this action?

SaEt9000 commented 7 years ago

tested with ffa89ea-armeabi-v7a.apk on amlogic S905 (minix u1). Unfortunately still no audio-passthrough (only video, no sound). Other audio-options working.


23/06/2017 confirmed it today on a clear system: audio passthrough is still broken on amlogic / minix

koying commented 7 years ago

@CiNcH83 PIP not working on Sony TV? I probably never tried... But yeah, bottom-line is that this action is a test leftover to be removed.

CiNcH83 commented 7 years ago

Dunno, my Sony TV does not have the Nougat update with PiP APIs yet. Yours neither ;) .

redan21 commented 7 years ago

Same issue as with Jarvis 16.7.0 some android apps will not open from the favorites widget. I desperately want to use your new revisions but I continually have to downgrade back to 16.6.0 just so I can be able to access all my android apps from the favorites widgets without any issues!!

wrxtasy commented 7 years ago

@koying Amcodec Hardware acceleration shows up as an Acceleration option, and I noticed you revived AML for Android in https://github.com/koying/SPMC/commit/96ff5dc8f7b0e5a9365ae0eb0234f95a1a7fb11a

But Hardware decoding always uses Mediacodec(s).

Is AML Hardware decoding supposed to be working ?

redan21 commented 7 years ago

@wrxtasy does this have anything to do with the android apps not opening? Just curious

bossbrody commented 7 years ago

20170621: 3rd Alpha - up and running but I seem unable to achieve smooth playback no matter how I configure the acceleration settings ??

redan21 commented 7 years ago

@koying will this android app not opening from the favorites folder issue be addressed at some point? If it's a simple fix maybe I could do it myself. I know a bit about coding so if you could tell me what lines are probably causing the problem and what to replace it with I will do it.

I'm just really annoyed that you're releasing all these new revisions and even Krypton but none of them so far beside 16.6.0 open my damn android apps!!!

rainman74 commented 7 years ago

@koying SPMC-spmc-krypton-ffa89ea does not start on Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Android 7 :-(

please see logcat: logcat.txt

Update: If I delete the working xbmc_env.properties for Kodi 17.3 then SPMC is working, too (but not on external sd card)!

Update 2: Problem solved! Kodi 17 accepts the last slash, but SMPC 17 does not.

Schrotty74 commented 7 years ago

On Shield TV 2017 working very good.On Sony TV 2017 its very slow.

rfgamaral commented 7 years ago

On Shield TV 2017 working very good.On Sony TV 2017 its very slow.

Change SPMC resolution to 1920x1080 on the TV. The Sony can't handle 4K GUI.

CiNcH83 commented 7 years ago

Here are some of my findings...

[EDIT] Just recognized that SPMC 16.7.0 also crashes on exit.

zapp-it commented 7 years ago

@koying, first impression, looking good on a shield 2015/5.2.

Only a couple of small cosmetics:

The only thing what is “annoying” for me is that when a watch via TVH live TV and to switch with page up/down chan up/down to the next channel I get the first time the OSD screen and then must push the button again to switch to the next channel. The same behavior is when through the OSD switch to the next channel. Thus only when the OSD is visible I can switch up/ down with one push. Maybe it is a setting but I haven’t found that setting.

P.S. The key mapping is totally different then in version 16. ;-)

bigpanda666 commented 7 years ago

@koying, is PIL available in the latest build. spmc ffa89ea crashes on a fire tv. Nothing obvious in logs . the logcat is huge but i think this is the relevent bit. I can post full logs if required.

W/linker ( 7073): lib_imaging.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x6eb0 W/linker ( 7073): lib_imaging.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2 D/SPMC ( 7073): WARNING: linker: lib_imaging.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x6eb0 D/SPMC ( 7073): WARNING: linker: lib_imaging.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2 W/linker ( 7073): lib_imagingft.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x4a44 D/SPMC ( 7073): WARNING: linker: D/SPMC ( 7073): lib_imagingft.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x4a44 W/linker ( 7073): lib_imagingft.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x1 D/SPMC ( 7073): WARNING: linker: lib_imagingft.so: unused DT entry: type D/SPMC ( 7073): 0x6fffffff arg 0x1 F/libc ( 7073): Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1, fault addr 0xad2c90ff in tid 7109 (Thread-172) I/libc ( 7073): Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0 I/Kernel ( 7073): [ 373.385183] (3)[7109:Thread-172]Unhandled fault: alignment fault (0x92000061) at 0x00000000ad2c90ff I/Kernel ( 7073): [ 373.385420] (3)[7109:Thread-172]Unhandled fault: alignment fault (0x92000061) at 0x00000000ad2c90ff I/Kernel ( 7073): [ 373.385435] (3)[7109:Thread-172]Skip process 7073(Thread-172) core dump(mm_flags:8c) W/InputDispatcher( 519): channel '1731dd9f com.semperpax.spmc17/com.semperpax.spmc17.Main (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 E/InputDispatcher( 519): channel '1731dd9f com.semperpax.spmc17/com.semperpax.spmc17.Main (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! D/AudioFlinger( 182): Disable DS for device=0x400profile=0xffffffff I/Zygote ( 193): Process 7073 exited due to signal (7) I/ActivityManager( 519): Process com.semperpax.spmc17 (pid 7073) has died I/WindowState( 519): WIN DEATH: Window{1731dd9f u0 com.semperpax.spmc17/com.semperpax.spmc17.Main} W/InputDispatcher( 519): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '1731dd9f com.semperpax.spmc17/com.semperpax.spmc17.Main (server)' W/WindowManager( 519): Force-removing child win Window{133fa2b5 u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{1731dd9f u0 com.semperpax.spmc17/com.semperpax.spmc17.Main} D/NsdService( 519): Client disconnected D/NsdService( 519): Terminating client-ID 1 global-ID 14 type 393225 D/NsdService( 519): unregisterService: 14 D/MDnsDS ( 173): Stopping register with ref 0x55613a3748 D/MDnsDS ( 173): freeServiceRef 14 D/MDnsDS ( 173): triggering rescan

SaEt9000 commented 7 years ago

I have to confirm what wrxtasy posts: amlcodec is not working on minix U1:

log: 18:06:22.422 T:18446744072311123024 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: amcodec - Opening 18:06:22.422 T:18446744072311123024 ERROR: AML: no proper permission, please contact the device vendor. Skipping codec... 18:06:22.423 T:18446744072311123024 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: amcodec - Failed 18:06:22.424 T:18446744072311123024 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: mediacodec - Opening

interesting: the video is decoded via mediacodec surface but framesiwtching is working ! That is different to kodi 17 - there is no real framerateswitching for amlogic

Video with mediacodec surface seems to be smooth so far - but the decoder-info shows that it skips frames like hell...

SaEt9000 commented 7 years ago

logfile for missing audio passthrough on amlogic:

cant find by myself why no sound is to hear: The kodi testfiles for audio passthrough (so called "shitty" or "notsoshitty" working well with audio passthrough - does this help ?)


thomfam commented 7 years ago

I did a total new setup of SPMC 17 yesterday. I use SPMC mainly as player rather than a streamer and it all works great. DTS works and audio in sync, all great. Only hassle is the OZ Weather addon (as I mentioned above) and "Use extended features". When Use extended features in OZ Weather is selected on my Shield, SPMC 17 crashes at startup. I transferred all the SPMC17 files from my Shield to a version of Kodi Krypton I have on my PC. Then I checked the Oz Weather addon on the PC and extended features could be set up and all works perfectly.

IsamuDragon commented 7 years ago

One issue I found was that if there is one subtitle track it will not load it, an extension of this issue is that if there are Two subtitle tracks, the first one will not load.

It appears to be "loaded" via message popups, because when you go to enable subtitles it says they are enabled (theses are not forced tracks).

wrxtasy commented 7 years ago

Seriously - should users have to wade thru log's posted directly into this thread ?

@SaEt9000 & @bigpanda666 - have some forums manners and re-edit your posts please and use a website like https://pastebin.com/ when you post logs into any Internet thread.

SaEt9000 commented 7 years ago

@ wrxtasy - you are right - i changed it now

@ koying: further tests with SPMC 17 alpha 3 on FTV 2 passed succesfully so far h264-video is smooth (HW-acceleration and deinterlacing: off ) frameratswitching working well audio passthrough works so far (with multichannel output as well ??!!)

AND: issue #887 is solved in this alpha!

Good work - well done!


Knot3n commented 7 years ago

so is the plex plugin (addon) now working again ?

JGrana01 commented 7 years ago

I just downloaded the Plex plugin. Seemed to work fine. Watched part of a movie and looked at some photos. Works fine for me!

lcohen999 commented 7 years ago

I am still having a issue switching resolution on my 4k Vizio TV

I have it at 7 seconds but , while it starts a movie fine when it finishes I have to change inputs and switch back and maybe get video back

adamcroxton commented 7 years ago

I experienced heavy button feed back with the estuary skin on shield TV. I changed skin to aonn NOx and it fixed this. The process of changing the skin failed on first attempt. But once I changed skins the lag was gone. Prior to changing, things like using the popup keyboard was impossible. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see spmc krypton official

ghost commented 7 years ago

There's still an issue with launching Android apps but only when they have been favourited. The format in which SPMC saves the favourites seems to different to Kodi (17.3).

SPMC (krypton-0937da5) - favourites.xml:

    <favourite name="Plex" thumb="androidapp://sources/com.plexapp.android.png">StartAndroidActivity(&quot;lexapp.android?class=com.plexapp.plex.activities.mobile.PickUserActivity&quot;)</favourite>

Kodi (17.3) - favourites.xml:

    <favourite name="Plex" thumb="androidapp://sources/apps/com.plexapp.android.png">StartAndroidActivity(&quot;com.plexapp.android&quot;)</favourite>
asmopul commented 7 years ago

Have an Amilogic S905X 2GB 8GB box. The beta 3 is working well, not a single issue.

philsqueak commented 7 years ago

BETA 3 ? Have i missed something we're still on ALPHA 3 :) @koying will there be further Alpha builds or are you close now to Beta or RC ??? Thanks.

CLFNole commented 7 years ago

Seems like there are more versions since Alpha 3 as there are files with later dates in the directory with the masters as of June 28th.

JFG90 commented 7 years ago

Where is the directory?

TheseUserNamesAreMakingMeThirsty commented 7 years ago

Here - http://download.semperpax.com/spmc/android-arm/?C=M;O=D

philsqueak commented 7 years ago

Be nice to test 64bit V17 on Shield, hoping that can drop soon @koying Also latest Krypton Kodi nightly is flagged as 17.4RC1 now FYI

Jadonr commented 7 years ago

The GUI Sounds are not working on SPMC 17.4. It works fine in the latest SPMC 16.7.0. I have confirmed the audio setup is the same. I can hear sound when playing video or audio, just not from the GUI. Anybody else having that problem?

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

uuuuhhhhhhh exxxcccceeeellllleeeennnnttttt bb thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

S912 AMLogic device here, this Alpha 3 prerelease run as HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

CLFNole commented 7 years ago

I would imagine the 64-bit version will come once this comes out of beta?

browned commented 7 years ago

Anyone else using SPMC Alpha with Emby? I can't play my music library getting access denied in the logs. But I can access the music folders from file manager and play music direct from file manager, play movies, tv shows, with no issues. Wondering if it is an SPMC alpha issues or Emby.

TheseUserNamesAreMakingMeThirsty commented 7 years ago

@browned I just tested with both Direct and Native (add-on) path, and works fine for me for both, so looks like your issue, not SPMC (28th build).

Jadonr commented 7 years ago

Odd. After some time, the GUI sounds are working again. Disregard.

browned commented 7 years ago

Thanks @TheseUserNamesAreMakingMeThirsty. I will have to dig into it further. Very strange though as all my systems are setup the same for Production SPMC and Kodi 17.3 and they have no issues.

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

I have dark picture with S912 AMLogic Device Contrast/luminosity tweak do not work on Alpha 3

thomfam commented 7 years ago

Trying 28/6 version SPMC 17.4RC1 and Advanced weather features (Oz Weather) if activated causes SPMC 17 to crash. I am using the Xonfluence skin. But it can't be the skin because Kodi 17.3 using Xonfluence skin Advanced Options in OzWeather works perfectly

semool commented 7 years ago

17.4 on FireTV2 Box. With Passthrough IEC i can select AC3 and DTS, with RAW AC3 and EAC3. An all in one Option is not possible? I have it at IEC and EAC3 comes as multichannel PCM to the Receiver.

wrxtasy commented 7 years ago

I have dark picture with S912 AMLogic Device Contrast/luminosity tweak do not work on Alpha 3

@janolapin2016, sorry to say but...

Please buy something decent with Android Firmware that is not as buggy as hell. All your issues you are posting are known AML S912 Firmware ones. Nothing to do with SPMC. See the Kodi START HERE hardware thread for details.

As an example user @asmopul posting above you has an AML S905X and is not having major issues with Alpha3. Neither am I on various AML S905 Marshmallow devices.

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

Dude SPMC 16 jarvis or FTMC run as hell perfectly with S912 device I dont know why you repeat the same shit everywhere on all forums ? what is the point ? and I dont know why krypton can not do the same...

phruntal commented 7 years ago

I've noticed something strange, my SPDIF optical output is working fine, but if I press the volume down on the android remote it makes a fuzz noise like raw is being sent through, I have to go back to the volume level it was on and the audio then works again as AC3 on my amplifier, any volume change using the android remote does this. I do know I can't use the android remote to change the volume when its raw but it seems like its a bug as what used to happen is the volume control did nothing, it didn't make a loud hissing noise after changing volume.

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

edit: luminosity/contrast work good but curiously not on some files or with the very darker movies

wrxtasy commented 7 years ago

Dude SPMC 16 jarvis or FTMC run as hell perfectly with S912 device I dont know why you repeat the same shit everywhere on all forums ? what is the point ? and I dont know why krypton can not do the same...

Here is a hint for you - Which Hardware acceleration option has been removed (or is not working) in Kodi Krypton and SPMC 17.x compared to the previous SPMC 16.x (Jarvis) or FTMC versions.

Now combine that with shit Firmware that has rubbish Hardware acceleration support and yes Krypton or SPMC 17.x will run as HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL on a S912.

I'm sorry if the truth hurts. You should be blaming the seller of your S912 device not shooting me the messenger.

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

wrxtasy : like our president say "you do not have any better to do..."... you post on every forums on every thread on every conversation and you repeat to boredom your same litany about the RUBBISH firmware and the S912 seller morons bla bla bla bla bla... I mean It's not only unnecessary it's boring. While developers build good kodi fork for this excellent S912 device you just spend your time vomiting and drooling for nothing. What is the point ? You know we can not fix a mental health problem here....

CiNcH83 commented 7 years ago


For some reason, the stuttering issue on Sony ATV seems fixed. Are you able to elaborate?