kprotil / finalproject

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Maryland COVID-19 Report

Karl Protil

Project Summary

This project creates a report on COVID-19 cases in Maryland. The report includes two main components: a table of average covid cases per 100,000 people for each county, and a scatterplot of hospital admissions per 100,000 people and covid cases per 100,000, with each point representing a county in Maryland.

Building the Figures and Report

There are two ways to build any of the figures

Clean Data

Run the 01_data_cleaning.R code found in the code file

make output/data_clean.rds will also create the clean dataset

Case Table

Run the 02_make_table.R code found in the code file

make output/casetable.rds will also create the case table

Linear Regression

Run the 03_make_linreg.R code found in the code file

make output/linreg.png will also create the linear regression figure

Report Generation

The report can be generated several ways

Knit the report.Rmd file

Run the 04_render_report.R code found in the code file

make report

Synchonizing Package Repository

There are two ways to synchronize the package repository

source("renv/activate.R") and then renv::restore() will synchronize the repository

make install will also synchronize the repository

Building the Docker Image

There are two ways to build the docker image

make project_image will create the docker image

docker pull kprotil/finalproject will download the image from dockerhub

make pull image will also download the image from dockerhub

Using Docker to Run the Report

make docker-run-pc will run docker automatically and create the report in the "report" folder, if you are on a pc

make docker-run-mac will run docker automatically and create the report in the "report" folder, if you are on a mac