kr45732 / skyblock-plus

Source code for the Skyblock Plus Discord Bot
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Skyblock Plus Discord Bot





This is the source code for the Skyblock Plus Discord bot. A full list of commands and features as well as additional information can be found on the website linked below. This bot was developed over 3 years with a lot of head banging against my wall so please consider dropping a star ❤️

Self Hosting


You may need basic Discord, Gradle, Java, and Postgres knowledge to set up and maintain the bot. There are hardcoded constants that you will need to replace, databases you will need to create, and more. Note that I did not design the bot with the intention of others self-hosting it, so the process may not be straightforward. Please give me credit if you are self-hosting the bot!


Some of these prerequisites are not necessarily required but having all of them will make setting up bot without modification much easier.


If you are stuck or encounter a problem in the steps below, create an issue and I will try to help you in 3-5 business days!

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Rename to and move it to the project root and follow the instructions there and below to fill it out:
    • Feel free to set the API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD to some gibberish, but do not leave it blank because you do not want anyone to be able to access the private endpoints (server settings, linked accounts, etc)
    • Same thing as above with JACOB_KEY, you will probably never use that endpoint, but you do not want anyone to be able to POST data to it
    • Ensure the AUCTION_API_KEY is the same as the ADMIN_API_KEY of your self-hosted rust-query-api
  3. Databases: At the moment, there are two databases instead of a single one. You might be able to combine it into one without needing to modify code by setting both databases to the same URL, but I have not tested that. Refer to setup-resources for schemas and database dumps. You will also need to install the pg_trgm module on your databases. This can be done by executing CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm when connected to your database
  4. Emojis: At the moment, there are over 90 custom emoji servers. To create your own:
    • Make "IdToEmojiMappings.json" an empty JSON object
    • Create and add the bot to 90 servers with the name "Skyblock Plus - Emoji Server xx" (xx is the server number starting at 1)
    • Optionally (may not work in the future), copy the CIT folder from the latest FurfSky Reborn to "src/main/java/com/skyblockplus/json/cit"
    • Set DEV = true and run the bot
    • Using the evaluate command run ev com.skyblockplus.utils.EmojiUpdater.processAll()
    • Using the evaluate command run ev com.skyblockplus.utils.EmojiUpdater.runEmojis(json) where json is a haste link to the output JSON you got from processAll() above
    • Paste the JSON output of runEmojis into the "IdToEmojiMappings.json"
  5. Data repository: you will need to make your own clone of the skyblock-plus-data repository so your bot can automatically update it:
    • Fork or clone skyblock-plus-data
    • Set "DATA_REPO_GITHUB" in DevSettings to point to your repository on GitHub
    • Create a new channel in your PRIMARY_GUILD and set "NEU_REPO_UPDATE_CHANNEL_ID" in DevSettings
    • Join Moulberry's Bush and follow "#item-repo-github" (send it to the channel you just created)
  6. Hardcoded constants you will need to change:
    • You will need to update all emoji maps in the Constants.json from skyblock-plus-data with your own emojis
    • Update L145 of com.skyblockplus.Main to .enableIntents(GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS, GatewayIntent.MESSAGE_CONTENT)
    • More will be added as I find/remember them
  7. Running the bot:
    • Build using gradle or gradlew (gradle build) to create a jar at "build/libs/SkyblockPlus-0.0.1.jar"
    • Run the jar using Java 17 (example using systemctl to run it in the background here). You may receive a lot of errors on the first run. If so, after it's fully booted up, try gracefully shutting the bot down and then running it again
    • To register slash commands, run the d-slash global prefix command
    • If you choose to set up linked roles, then you will need a domain (localhost will not work):
      • Set Discord Developer Portal → Application → General Information → Linked Roles Verification URL to "https://verify.[DOMAIN]/"
      • Set Discord Developer Portal → Application → OAuth2 → Redirects to "https://verify.[BASE_URL]/callback"
      • Run the d-linked-roles prefix command to register the linked roles

Bug reports

Feel free to make an issue or report the bug using the support server linked below.


Contributions are greatly appreciated. Feel free to make a pull request!


You can contact me through the Discord server linked below.

Useful links