krabhi1 / postman-clone

a lightweight alternative to postman
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this is a clone of postman app, made with electron, react, and express. it is a project for learning purpose.

How to

#install depecencies
pnpm install

#install turbo globally
pnpm i -g turbo

#save environment variables in .zshrc or .bashrc
alias turbo1="turbo --no-daemon"

# run frontend
turbo1 dev  --filter=frontend 

# run backend
turbo1 dev  --filter=backend 

turbo1 dev -F <project_name>

#install dependencies using pnpm
pnpm -F <project_name> <command>
pnpm -F frontend i nanoid


#run command
pnpm --filter <package-name> <command>

#add shared-ui package to vite-app
pnpm add shared-ui  --filter vite-app --workspace

turbo --no-daemon <command>
turbo daemon status
#new project
pnpx create-turbo@latest
turbo <command> --filter=name

#set ui="stream" in turbo.json