kraif999 / ATS

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This branch contains experiments with the implementation of different trading strategies on various asset classes. The performance of these strategies, referred to as 'Active,' is compared against a benchmark buy-and-hold strategy, referred to as 'Passive'. Additionally, there is TSA class which analyses time series patterns and various characteristics.

All strategies are architected using the R6 class, enabling flexible incorporation of new features or strategies. The design comprises:

Around ~37,000 parameters combinations were tested, refer to 'Run_backtest_results' folder.

The taxonomy of trading strategies implemented is as follows:

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk", "nodeWidth": 1000}}}%%
flowchart LR
    Strategy[Strategy] --> Univariate[Univariate]
    Strategy --> Multivariate[Multivariate]
    Multivariate --> alphaportfolio[FX portfolio based on AlphaEngine]
    Univariate --> Stats[Stats]
    Stats[Statistical models] --> GARCH
    Stats[Statistical models] --> ARIMA
    Univariate --> Tech[Technical indicators]
    Tech --> ma[Moving Averages: different types]
    ma --> sma1[SMA1]
    ma --> sma2[SMA2]
    ma --> sma1m[SMA1 Modified]
    ma --> sma2m[SMA2 Modified]
    ma --> macd[MACD]
    ma --> tt[Turtle Strategy]
    ma --> dc[Donchian Channels]
    ma --> sra[Stop and Reversal 'parabolic SAR']
    ma --> adx[Average Directional Index 'ADX']
    Tech --> rsi[Relative Strength Index]
    Tech --> bb[Bollinger Bounds]
    Tech --> vol[Volatility Mean Reversion]
    Univariate --> other[Trading]
    other --> alpha1[AlphaEngine: counter-trend trading]

See below example of classes design.


   class DataFetcher {
        + symbol
        + from_date
        + to_date
        + type
        + initialize(symbol, from_date, to_date, type): Initializes the DataFetcher object.
        + convert_xts_to_wide_df(): Downloads data for multiple symbols and saves tibble data frame in wide format.
        + download_xts_data(): Downloads xts data and computes log returns.
        + plot_close_or_rets(type): Visualizes Close price or returns.
        + compute_NA_close_price_ratio(): Computes missing ratio of values that are not available for Close price.
    class Strategy {
        + data
        + initialize(data) : Initializes the Strategy object with provided data.
        + generate_signals() : Signal generation, specific to each subclass.
        + convert_to_tibble(ts) : Converts time series data to a tibble format.
        + estimate_performance() : Estimates performance for Active and Passive strategies.
        + calculate_cumulative_return() : Calculates cumulative return (to be removed).
        + plot_equity_lines(strategy_name, signal_flag) : Visualizes equity lines for active strategy and passive (buy and hold).

    class AlphaEngine {
        +initialize(data, threshold, profit_taking, signal_generation = "TH", position_sizing = FALSE, vol_position_sizing = FALSE)
        +run_backtest(symbols, thresholds, profit_takings, signal_generations, position_sizings, vol_position_sizings, from_date, to_date, output_df = TRUE)
    class AlphaEnginePrivate {
        +identify_events(data, threshold)
        +generateExitSignals(df, signal_generation = "TH")
    AlphaEngine -- AlphaEnginePrivate

    class AlphaEngineMult {
        +estimate_rolling_correlations(symbol_list, from_date, to_date)
        +plot_rolling_correlations(data, plot_flag = TRUE)
        +estimate_portfolio_performance(cp, symbol_list, capital, leverage)
        +plot_portfolio_components(df, type)
    class AlphaEngineMultPrivate {
        +split_data(cp, symbol_list)
    AlphaEngineMult -- AlphaEngineMultPrivate

    class TSA {
        original_data: any = NULL
        data: any = NULL
        +estimate_stationarity(freq = "daily", plot_flag = TRUE)
        +estimate_autocorr_rets_vol(test, freq = "daily", plot_flag = TRUE)
        +estimate_seasonality(freq = "daily")
        +estimate_heteroscedasticity(freq = "daily", plot_flag = TRUE)
        +estimate_arch_effects(freq = "daily", p = 1, q = 1, plot_flag = TRUE)
        +estimate_outliers(test, freq = "daily", plot_flag = TRUE, q1 = NULL, q3 = NULL, threshold = 1.5)
        +compute_wkd_rets(freq = "daily")
        +compute_summary_statistics(freq = "daily")
    class TSAPrivate {
    TSA -- TSAPrivate

    class GARCHbasedStrategy {
        + specification
        + n_start
        + refit_every
        + refit_window
        + distribution_model
        + realized_vol
        + cluster
        + initialize(data, specification, n_start, refit_every, refit_window, distribution_model, realized_vol, cluster) : Initializes the GARCHbasedStrategy object.
        + estimate_realized_volatility(data) : Estimates realized volatility by different approaches.
        + generate_signals() : Specifies signal criteria based on GARCH model volatility forecasts.
        + run_backtest(symbols, specifications, n_starts, refits_every, refit_windows, distribution_models, realized_vols, output_df) : Runs a backtest for GARCH-based strategy.

    Strategy --|> AlphaEngine
    Strategy --|> GARCHbasedStrategy
    AlphaEngine --|> AlphaEngineMult