krakenjs / jwt-csrf

Stateless CSRF protection using jsonwebtoken (JWT)
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CSRF protection using the power of JWTs. Provides a number of stateless methods of csrf protection, if you don't want to keep a session.

Defaults to the double submit method of csrf protection, but supports a number of different strategies.



var express = require('express');
var app = express();

var jwtCSRF = require('jwt-csrf');
var jwtMiddleware = jwtCSRF.middleware(options); // This can be used like any other Express middleware

app.use(jwtMiddleware); // Executed on all requests

The middleware must be included before others to be effective.

Handling errors

On errors, jwt-csrf will call next(err) with a jwtCSRF.CSRFError. If you want to handle this specifically, you can do so in a middleware:

function(err, req, res, next) {
    if (err instanceof jwtCSRF.CSRFError) {


options is an Object with the following format:

CSRF Drivers


Persist two linked tokens on the client side, one via an http header, another via a cookie. On incoming requests, match the tokens.


Persist a token via an http header linked to the currently authenticated user. Validate against the user for incoming requests.

Requires getUserToken to be set in options


A combination of DOUBLE_SUBMIT and AUTHED_TOKEN, either strategy passing will allow the request to go through.

Client side

Note that jwt-csrf only works for ajax calls, not full-page posts, since it relies on being able to set and read http headers.

Persisting the csrf token

Firstly, you will need to pass the token down in your initial page render. You can get the value as follows on the server-side, to insert into your initial html:

var jwtCsrf = require('jwt-csrf');
var token = jwtCsrf.getHeaderToken(req, res, { secret: mySecret });

You have two options for persisting the csrf token on the client side:

1. Manually

For example:

var csrfJwt;

    type: 'POST',
    url: '/api/some/action',
    headers: {
        'x-csrf-jwt': csrfJwt
    success: function(data, textStatus, request){
        csrfJwt = request.getResponseHeader('x-csrf-jwt');

2. Automatically, by patching XMLHttpRequest

var jwtCsrf = require('jwt-csrf/client');

This will hook into each request and response and automatically persist the token on the client side for you.