krasamo / keycloak-typescript

MIT License
7 stars 3 forks source link


A simple middleware library that simplifies the integration of keycloak with your project

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:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Table of Contents

:star2: About the Project

This project introduces a facade designed to simplify the data retrieval and transmission within the context of Keycloak. By offering unified methods for concrete actions, it mitigates the complexities associated with calling multiple endpoints of the Keycloak API for those actions.

:toolbox: Getting Started

:bangbang: Prerequisites

:gear: Installation

In your Node JS project, run the following command to install the package

npm install keycloak-typescript

:test_tube: Running Tests

To run tests, execute the following command

npm run test

:running: Run Locally

Clone the project

Install dependencies

npm install

To generate a build

npm run build

To generate a package from the latest build for local testing

npm run pack

:wave: Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!, if you want to contribute, create an issue (if it doesn't exists), fork this repo, and make a pull request when your changes are ready.

:warning: License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

:handshake: Contact

Nestor Sandoval - -

Project Link:

:gem: Acknowledgements

Frameworks, languages and tools used in this project: