kratzsci / Applied-AI-Robot

Self-driving robot with AI controls
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A small, two-wheeled robot that is controlled wirelessly by hand gestures. The gestures are based on American Sign Language (ASL) fore ease of use and available datasets. The AI currently runs on a Windows PC and uses a webserver hosted by the robot to convey the commands. The web server has different buttons for the currently available instructions (Stop, Forward, Backward, Left, Right).



A -> Stop
B -> Forward
C -> Backward
Y -> Right
L -> Left

ASL Gestures
Detection GIF

L298N motor controller

Input1 Input2 Spinning Direction
Low(0) Low(0) Motor OFF
High(1) Low(0) Forward
Low(0) High(1) Backward
High(1) High(1) Motor OFF

Parts List

Future Development

In continued development of this project it would be great to transfer the AI from a PC to its own, dedicated embedded environment. This would allow the remote to be more portable, energy efficient, and compact. This change would require some changes to the control mechanism too, either implementing Bluetooth communication or RF.