kre / Kinetic-Rules-Engine

Source code for KRE
GNU General Public License v2.0
54 stars 8 forks source link

Historical Note (301 - Permanent Redirect)

The code in this repository is no longer being maintained. We have rebuilt the rules engine as a Node.js application. The new version of the engine is available from this repository.

The easiest way to get started with the new engine is to use this Quickstart.

Kinetic Rules Engine (KRE)

The Kinetic Rules Engine (KRE), a open-source, cloud-based rule processing system. All of the properties listed above are present in any KRE system.

KRE is a container for persistent compute objects or picos. Each KRE instance hosts a number of picos.

Picos ececute a rule-based programming langauge called KRL.

The result of these properties is a programming model that more closely resembles programming cloud-based persistent objects.


If you'd like to contribute, please contact Phil Windley. Be sure to include your Github account name.

We use HuBoard to organize and track issues. Once you have access to KRE you should be able to use HuBoard to watch issues. Anything in the Ready column should be ready to work. Please assign yourself and move it to the ready column. Do your work in a fork of the project and submit your changes as a pull request.

The following process is recommended:

  1. Fork the project and work on your own repository

  2. Be sure to create tests that show the problem. The KRE test suite is quite good and we rely on it to ensure that changes don't cause existing features to work.

  3. Submit a pull request to this project from your project with the changes.

Your pull request will be more easily integrated if you

  1. include tests

  2. be responsive to questions on the pull request

  3. ensure you aren't duplicating some other work