kri55is / ToDoList

Simple todo list android app
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Pre-work - Todo

Todo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item.

Submitted by: Emilie Brisseau (github user: kri55is)

Time spent: 14 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

The following optional features are (not yet) implemented:

The following additional features could be implemented:

Customize style with:

Have a way to tell the item has been done by one of the following solutions:

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

GIF created with LiceCap.

Project Analysis

As part of your pre-work submission, please reflect on the app and answer the following questions below:

Question 1: "What are your reactions to the Android app development platform so far? Compare and contrast Android's approach to layouts and user interfaces in past platforms you've used."

Answer: I had used Android Studio in the past to build small apps and I enjoyed the different approaches it gives: we can either go with the UI or edit the xml manually. In the past I didn't use Genymotion to emulate a mobile use, I find it very easy to use and a lot faster than the built-in emulator. I also use a real android phone because even if I can only verify if all is all right on this particulat phone and Android version it gives the real impression because in the real life users don't use mouse. I find it very confortable to use the tools you recommanded when they are finally all installed (some packaged on Android Studio take a very long time).

Except the Android apps I already built in the past I have mostly wrote code without interface so it is difficult for me to compare. I can say that I really enjoy building Android app also because we can see results very fast and that it can be used by everybody.

Question 2: "Take a moment to reflect on the ArrayAdapter used in your pre-work. How would you describe an adapter in this context and what is its function in Android? Why do you think the adapter is important? Explain the purpose of the convertView in the getView method of the ArrayAdapter."

Answer: The ArrayAdapter is in between a ListView and the data to be seen on the screen. In order to have a data displayed we need a view but there is no need to create a view for all the data if they are not always displayed. The adapter is ther for that: to create and handle the necessary views efficiently and populate them with the data. Then returning the view to the ListView. The convertView is very usefull to not create views that were already created, we give the old view as parameter so we don't create an un-necessary object.


I had to debug the app because it crashed only when it was launched the first time and we were trying to read items in an empty file. My list of items was null so I had to add checks on that. I plan on adding more features :)


Copyright 2017 Emilie Brisseau

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.