How to flash the Hiking DDS238-2 WIFI Din Rail Energy Meter with Tasmota...
Update 2023-05-17: User reported that new Hiking-DDS238-2-WIFI comes with the WR3 Chip instead of the TYWE3S, so this will not work with that chip!!
First try was with tuya-convert but this did not work (seems to be newer Firmware) i had to open the device, with the 2 screws on the backside, after that you can remove the cover and access the lcd-board and on the backside of the LCD-board you will find the TYWE3S Board (aka ESP8266EX)
Picture of the TYWE3S Board on the left side, Board with the MCU on the right side:
because the RX/TX of the ESP8266 is connected to the MCU under it, i had to desolder the ESP-Board to be able to flash it, the needed pin layout can be found here:
according to user @chaveiro it should be possible to flash without soldering, see the pinout here:
Save bakup of original firmware:
python --port COM15 --baud 115200 read_flash 0x00000 0x100000 backup1.img
Restore original firmware:
python --port COM15 --baud 234000 write_flash -fm qio -fs 1MB 0x00000 backup1.img
after desoldering the ESP-Board, the flashing was easy, soldering together was not so easy, because the ESP-Board does have smaller holes (standard 2.54 are to big)
my board after putting it together:
After flashing via USB-to-Serial adapter, only the software part is left to do. After basic Wifi Setup of Tasmota (i did use apply this Template:
Tasmota Version > 9.1 Template
{"NAME":"Hiking DDS238-2 WIFI","GPIO":[0,2272,0,2304,0,0,0,0,0,0,320,0,32,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":54}
should look like that after applying this template:
Tasmota Config for TuyaMCU to paste into Console:
Backlog TuyaMCU 33,20; TuyaMCU 32,18; TuyaMCU 31,19; TuyaMCU 37,101;
dpId=9 seem to be a timer to toggle the device relay, set it to any value and it starts counting down, by the time it reaches 0 the relay toggles state. As far as I know, this can't be used in Tasmota
Tasmota Config : Set reference for total energy to internal counter; Publishing TuyaReceived to MQTT; Show Voltage/Power with 1 Decimal
Backlog SetOption72 1; SetOption66 1; VoltRes 1; WattRes 1;
Rule to update Data on boot and every 5 seconds afterwards...
Rule1 on System#Boot do RuleTimer1 5 endon on Rules#Timer=1 do backlog TuyaSend8; RuleTimer1 5 endon
Rule to publish TotalkWh value and correct the value (no longer needed starting with Tasmota Firmware >= 9.5.0)
ON TuyaReceived#DpType2Id101 DO Backlog var1 %value%; MULT1 0.01; event sendTotalkWh ENDON
ON event#sendTotalkWh DO publish tele/SmartEnergyMeter/TotalkWh %var1% ENDON
Activate Rule1 and Rule2 (Rule 2 is no longer needed starting with Tasmota Firmware >= 9.5.0)
Backlog Rule1 1; Rule2 1;
More pictures from the inside: