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Emacs Bootstrapping Fixes #20

Closed kris-chin closed 2 months ago

kris-chin commented 2 months ago


kris-chin commented 2 months ago

Regarding the font:

Attempting to add Fragment Mono into the fonts directory causes all of the text to not load (or alternatively, it's all font-color white, but I don't think that's what's happening)

Removing the font fixes this. Not sure how to overcome it.

UPDATE: Still no fix. However, using terminal emacs is a good workaround. GUI emacs with WSL sucks..

Regarding the theme

I managed to set the theme with load-theme but it wasn't showing up in the completion (why is the completion like this???) I need to add this to one of the configs or something. Also, setting it and then exiting, then re-opening emacs will use the old theme

UPDATE: It looks like my changes DO transfer on emacs terminal mode emacs -nw.

Regarding Completion (and other things)

doom doctor is telling me that ripgrep has a bad binary, i think maybe I'll need to reinstall it? specifically: The installed ripgrep binary was not built with support for PCRE lookaheads

UPDATE: I tried this: The error goes away but I'm still not seeing completion.,

There's a few other things as well:

UPDATE2: I'm dumb. vertico-mode just wasn't enabled upon startup.

Another permission error

I can't install the nerd fonts because ~/.local/share/fonts is PERMISSION PROTECTED bruh

UPDATE: I added changes to account for this

kris-chin commented 2 months ago

So, when I run emacs with emacs -nw, terminal emacs seems to be exactly how I left it. no strange config-resets with GUI emacs. as much as I like GUI emacs, I wonder if this is a worthy cause for specifically WSL. I haven't checked to see what these changes look like on Mint or any orther distro, but maybe for WSL, having emacs in terminal mode makes sense. I seriously do wish that GUI emacs worked though...

kris-chin commented 2 months ago

Notes on emacs GUI mode

On Ubuntu/Debian:

installing emacs-gtk works pretty well. no errors regarding dconf suprisingly (though, I didnt run the full installation script).

There is an issue though, ubuntu's emacs-gtk is not up to date. (WHY ARE ALL OF UBUNTU"S PACKAGES SO OUTDATED???). and emacs-snapshot that is installed from the ppa in the script actually is built with PGTK, aka WAYLAND. ubuntu is using X aka GTK.

emacs-gtk results in emacs 27, but doom is actually deprecating support for emacs 27. I need emacs 28 or even better, emacs 29, but the ppa that supplies that doesn't provide a gtk version of it!!

I'm starting to really fucking hate ppas. I checked out snap but it doesnt look like the best solution either. why can't I just get the latest version of things????? why do I need a ppa for everything!!!

At this point, I might as well just build the damn thing myself. I fucking hate this ecosystem! I miss pacman!!!!

Yeah fuck it imma set it up so I can build it myself. brb. This is also making me consider building some other packages from source. But I'll think about it. (looking at you, NeoVim) however, I think this is a case-by-case basis. emacs was soooo fucked up to install. the same cant be said for a lot of other packages.

kris-chin commented 2 months ago

I've fixed all of my issues by building emacs myself. Now it's super fast and nice! :D