kristianmandrup / authorize-mw

Authorization middleware for Node.js and Javascript platform in general (with a little twist)
MIT License
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Authorize middleware

Authorization middleware for Node.js and the Javascript platform in general

It leverages the authorization library permit-authorize

See wiki for an overview.

Most important sections:


AuthorizeMw = require 'authorize-mw'


The following is a complete example, using LiveScript syntax for a "clearer" picture.

authorize = require 'authorize-mw'

Middleware  = require 'middleware' .Middleware
AuthorizeMw = authorize.AuthorizeMw

Permit      = authorize.Permit
permit-for  = authorize.permit-for

Book = require './models/book'
book = new Book title: title

GuestUser = require './models/users/guest'
guest-user   = new GuestUser name: 'unknown'

guest-permit = permit-for(GuestPermit, 'guest books',
  match: (access) ->
    @matches(access).user role: 'guest'

        guest: ->
          @ucan 'publish', 'Paper'
        admin: ->
          @ucannot 'publish', 'Paper'

    read: ->
      @ucan 'read' 'Book'
    write: ->
      @ucan 'write' 'Book'
    default: ->
      @ucan 'read' 'any'

basic-authorize-mws = new AuthorizeMw current-user: guest-user

auth-middleware = new Middleware 'model' data: books.hello
auth-middleware.use authorize: basic-authorize-mws

read-books-request =
  action      :   'read'
  collection  :   'books'

allowed = read-books-request

Please note that the above middleware setup can be expanded with validator, decorator and marshaller middleware for a complete stack. This is especially useful when combined and used with a Real Time sync server.

Same example as above in pure Javascript:

var authorize, Middleware, AuthorizeMw, Permit,
    permitFor, Book, book, GuestUser, guestUser,
    guestPermit, basicAuthorizeMws,
    authMiddleware, readBooksRequest, allowed;

AuthorizeMw = require('authorize-mw');
authorize   = require('permit-authorize');

Middleware = require('middleware').Middleware;
Permit = authorize.Permit;

permitFor = authorize.permitFor;

Book = require 'models/book'
book = new Book({
  title: title

GuestUser = require 'models/users/guest'
guestUser = new GuestUser({
  name: 'unknown'

guestPermit = permitFor('guest', {
  match: function(access){
    return this.matches(access).user({role: 'guest'});
  rules: {
    ctx: {
      area: {
        guest: function(){
          return this.ucan('publish', 'Paper');
        admin: function(){
          return this.ucannot('publish', 'Paper');
    read: function(){
      return this.ucan('read', 'Book');
    write: function(){
      return this.ucan('write', 'Book');
    'default': function(){
      return this.ucan('read', 'any');

basicAuthorizeMws = new AuthorizeMw({
  currentUser: guestUser

authMiddleware = new Middleware('model', {
  data: books.hello

  authorize: basicAuthorizeMws

readBooksRequest = {
  action: 'read',
  collection: 'books'

allowed =;

You can also run with the user as part of the run context

publish-book-request =
  user     :   guest-user
  action   :   'publish'
  data     :   book

allowed = publish-book-request

or you can use model instead of collection

publish-book-request =
  user     :   guest-user
  action   :   'publish'
  model    :   `book`

Current status

All tests are passing :)


Why LiveScript?

Since it is faster/easier to develop the basic functionality. We can always later refactor the code to use something else.

Why classes and not prototypical inheritance?

In one word "Productivity!", a class is a convenient abstraction for encapsulation.

Feel free to fork this project and provide a version without classes if that is a MUST for you...


Run mocha on all files in test folder

Just run all test like this:

$ mocha

To execute individual test, do like this:

$ mocha test/authorize-mw/permit_test.js

Test coverage

The library istanbul is used for code coverage.

See code-coverage-with-mocha for use with mocha.

npm install -g istanbul
istanbul cover _mocha -- -R spec
open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

$ instanbul cover _mocha

To measure coverage of individual test:

$ instanbul cover _mocha test/authorize-mw/permit_test.js


Please help improve this project, suggest improvements, add better tests etc. ;)


MIT License Copyright 2014-2015 Kristian Mandrup