kristianrpo / PriceByte

Catalogue of technological products with a "comparative" approach. Project for the fourth-semester course "P1" (ST0251) taught at EAFIT University by Paola Vallejo.
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PRICEBYTE is a sophisticated online marketplace that empowers users to easily search for, filter, and review various products. This platform utilizes advanced natural language processing and recommendation systems to understand product descriptions, recognize related products, and facilitate user interaction through comments and reviews.


Download Visual Studio Code:

-Open your web browser and go to the official Visual Studio Code website at
-Click on the "Download" button to download the installer. Click the "Next" button to proceed with the installation.
-Click "Install" to start the installation process.

Download Python Installer:

-Visit the official Python website at
-Download the latest Python installer for Windows by clicking on the "Download Python X.X.X" button (X.X.X represents the Python version).
-Click the "Install Now" button to start the installation process. The installer will copy Python files to your system.
-Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and type
python --version
This should display the installed Python version, confirming a successful installation.

Fork the original github repository

-Click on "Fork".
-Click on "Create fork".
A local copy of the PriceByte project should have been created in your github account

Clone your github repository:

-Open your web browser and go to
-Log in to your GitHub account if you haven't already.
-Go to the local copy created in your github repository after fork.
-Click on "<> Code"
-Copy link of the repository (HTTPS)
-Into the Command Prompt or Powershell run:
git clone 'link_repository'

Install requirements.txt of the proyect:

-Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of the project.
-Into the Command Prompt or Powershell run:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Use of the project

Follow this instructions to execute the program.

Set up Database:

Into the Command prompt run:
python makemigrations
python migrate

Run the development server:

At last to run the project into the command prompt run:
python runserver

The constributors of this project are:
-Luisa María Álvarez García(
-Nicolás Hurtado Amezquita(
-Kristian Restrepo Osorio(
You can contact us via email:
-Luisa María Álvarez García(
-Nicolás Hurtado Amezquita(
-Kristian Restrepo Osorio(