kristoffer-tvera / bitburner

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Command & Control script, used to feed data into attack-scripts to reduce their memory overhead down to 2gb, enabling more scripts to be ran on each server.

run attack/cc.js <attacktarget>

Initialize the CC with an attack-target.

run attack/cc.js

Runs the CC (Runs forever)

run attack/cc.js peek

Prints current data being broadcasted by the CC


Deployment-script that roots every server that can be rooted.

run attack/deploy.js

Deploys to EVERY single server, and kills/restarts servers that are already running our hack-script.

run attack/deploy.js skip

Deploys to NEW servers (i.e servers that has NOT been rooted yet).


Primary script deployed onto rooted servers to continually grow/weaken/hack servers

run attack/loop.js



List all hacknet nodes.

run hacknet/list.js


Upgrades ALL hacknet-nodes (with confirmation-prompt before acting).

run hacknet/upgrade.js

Displays possible commands

run hacknet/upgrade.js level=N

Upgrades all hacknet nodes to level N.

run hacknet/upgrade.js ram=N

Upgrades all hacknet nodes ram to 2^(N-1). N=1 == 1GB (baseline) N=2 == 2GB N=3 == 4gb N=4 == 8gb, etc

run hacknet/upgrade.js core=N

Upgrades all hacknet nodes to a core-count of N.

run hacknet/upgrade.js node=N

Increase the number of hacknet-nodes up to N.



run util/heartbeat.js

Runs continually, and will print every hour if there are servers currently underutilized (unused RAM that can be used for attacking)


run util/new-servers.js <N>

Purchase MAX amount of servers with GB of ram. Once you run out of money, the script will just sleep/wait until you get enough. Script will terminate once all servers has been purchased.


run util/planning-new-servers.js

Analyze if/how much of an upgrade you can afford


run util/rp.js

Prints the path/command to backdoor servers that are part of the story/RP without having to scan-analyze to find their path/location


run util/scan.js

Prints info about all servers that can be attacked (max-money) and an approximate metric for comparing revenue based on time it takes to weaken server.