krstffr / matryoshka

A GUI for nesting and linking objects inside other objects.
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Matryoshka Build Status

This package (and this README file) is not done yet, and might contain stuff which is not true or do not work.

What is Matryoshka?

Matryoshka is a Meteor.js package for creating nestable objects where you can put other nestable objects where you can put even more nestable objects. If you for example want to create "Page" documents where you're able to put freely put "PageParts" (like an ImageSlideShow, or a MainMenu, or a UserProfile) then Matyoshka is for you. Or maybe you want to create "GroupsOfPeople" documents where you put "People" documents, or "RussianNestingDolls" where you put "RussianNestingDolls" where you put "RussianNestingDolls" etc. You get the idea. You decide what type of objects you want.

OK so how do I use this?

First you'll define what kinds of nestable documents you want, and which documents will nest inside which. You'll be able to define what fields a document will have, and Matryoshka will then give you a GUI where you create and edit your documents.



$ meteor add krstffr:matryoshka

Matryoshka (and it's dependencies) should now be added to your Meteor.js app. If you start your app and go to http://localhost:3000/matryoshka you should now see the GUI (but without any nestables to create as you've yet to do define those (example below!)).


Let's say you want to create nestable russian dolls. Below is how you'd do that.

// Do this on the client. For example on startup.
Meteor.startup(function () {

    // This is the current way of doing extremely insecure loginRequirement
    // Be warned: this really won't secure your app, especially not on the server/methods

    // This will create a nestable type called "nestableDoll" which is createable from the GUI
    Matryoshka.nestables.addType({ name: 'nestableDoll', createable: true });

    // This will create an actual doll object
        // Give the part a name
        nestableName: 'russianGeneralDoll',
        // This is a readable version of the name (which the user will see in the GUI)
        nestableNameReadable: 'Russian Doll (general)',
        // Here you set which type the object should have (we choose the one we defined above of course)
        type: 'nestableDoll',
        // These fields will be editable for the object
        fields: [
            // This is a text field
            { name: 'dollName', type: 'text' },
            // This will be a selectable field with three options
            { name: 'dollSize', type: 'select', selectableData: [
                    { name: 'Large' }, { name: 'Medium' }, { name: 'Small' }, { name: 'Super small' }
        // Here we define what nestable types should be nestabled inside this nestable
        nestables: [{ name: 'nestableDoll' }]

    // Now if you go to route /matryoshka in your app you'll be able to create dolls which are nestable


A more advanced example

There are lot's of more options as well. Keep reading!

// This will create another doll object with some more advanced options
    nestableName: 'siberianDoll',
    nestableNameReadable: 'Siberian Doll',
    type: 'nestableDoll',
    // This nestable will not be creatable on it's own, but rather only as a child to other nestables
    nestableCreateable: false,
    // You can define you own key/values which will be stored inside the nestable
    homeLocation: 'Siberia!',
    // This nestable will be previewable @ "/somePreviewRoute/nestable_id"
    // You yourself has to provide the logic for actually previewing the nestable at that route.
    // If you set a previewRoute then a Preview button will be displayed from the edit page.
    previewRoute: '/somePreviewRoute/',
    // The nested nestables of this nestable will be hidden intially. To save UI space.
    hideChildren: true,
    // ALSO: This nestable will be hidden as well whenever it is added to a containing nestable.
    hideByDefault: true,
    fields: [
        { name: 'dollName', type: 'text' },
        { name: 'dollSize', type: 'select', selectableData: [
                { name: 'Large' },
                { name: 'Medium' },
                { name: 'Small', extraDesc: 'Something describing this more, but will not be saved' },
                { name: 'Super small' }
        // You can use the 'date' type for a input[type="date"]
        // (where the browser supports it of course!)
        { name: 'birthDate', type: 'date' },
        // You can ouput stuff you've defined yourself as a non-editable field using the "locked" type
        // In this case it will output "Siberia!" cause that's what we defined above
        { name: 'homeLocation', type: 'locked' },
        // You can use textareas instead of text inputs if you need to enter longer texts
        { name: 'dollBackgroudBio', type: 'textarea' },
        // This <select> element will use a mongo Collection for it's selectable values (you have to define the
        // collection for this to actually work)
        { name: 'dollHomeVillage', type: 'select', selectableData: {
                // It's the type: 'collection' which makes the selectable data come from a collection instead of
                // values you define here.
                type: 'collection',
                // This SiberianVillages mongo collection will be used to populate the <option> elements
                collectionName: 'SiberianVillages',
                // The villageName key will be used for the value for the <option> elements
                collectionField: 'villageName',
                // If you want an additional field which describes the field above
                // then use the optional collectionFieldDescription-field.
                // This will output the field before the value of the collectionField-field
                // in the select option, like this:
                // <option>Siberia: Volgostograd</option>
                // If you don't use it the option will look like this:
                // <option>Volgostograd</option>
                // The stored value of the selected option will always only be
                // the value of the collectionField though!
                collectionFieldDescription: 'villageState',
                // Here you can define a selector for the query which will populate the <select> element. Just use
                // { } if you want all documents
                collectionSelector: { villageState: 'Siberia', population: { $gt: 5000 } }
        // This text input will store the values in MongoDB as "number" type rather than "string"
        // (This is of course good for stuff where you need an actual number rather than a string)
        { name: 'dollHeight', type: 'text', number: true },
        // This select value will also add a css class to the containing <div class="matryoshka__nestable__container">
        // In this case it will look like this:
        // <div class="matryoshka__nestable__container dollCssClass--dollRed">
        // And you can then set styles for .dollCssClass--dollRed yourself in your css
        { name: 'dollCssClass', type: 'select', cssOutputValueAsClass: true, selectableData: [
                { name: 'dollPurple' }, { name: 'dollRed' }, { name: 'dollGreen' }
        // If you input a valid imgSrc in the dollImageSrc you will see a preview of the image next to the element
        { name: 'dollImageSrc', type: 'text', imagePreview: true }
    fieldsTypeSpecific: [
            // These options will only change if you set the dollSize value to something specific
            name: 'dollSize',
            // In this case, if you set dollSize to "Super small" you'll also get these options
            "Super small": [
                // So if the user sets dollSize to "Super small" he/she will be able to specify how tiny the doll
                // is in this text field. You can use all kinds of fields (like the more advanced ones defined above)
                // here. You can also add fields which are specific to these fields. For example, you could add
                // a specific field for howTinyIsIt: "Microscopic", which the user could only access if he/she
                // first set dollSize to "Super small" and then inserted "Microscopic" to the howTinyIsIt text field
                { name: 'howTinyIsIt', type: 'text' }
    // This nestable will ONLY allow siberianDolls to nest inside it (and not the general russian one we defined above)
    nestables: [{ name: 'nestableDoll', nestables: ['siberianDoll'] }]

Linked nestables

Another thing you can do is create a nestable, and then link this specific nestable (with all your saved data) into another nestable. Any changes you make to this linked nesatable will then be reflected in all places you've linked it. For example, if you create a Page nestable inside which you put a MainMenu nestable, you might want to use the same MainMenu on lot's of other Pages. So you'd create a MainMenu and then link it to all pages, and now you'd only need to make changes to the MainMenu in one place. Win!

Silly example

So this is a really silly example. But you could use it as a CMS for actual sub pages which contain page parts. This would give you a quite flexible CMS for your data which would be easy to add modules to, add specific fields to modules etc.

The output of all this

You'll have to create a app/whatever which then uses the data you create and store. That's up to you. In the future I might add an example as to how you might accomplish this. Cause with this package you only create and admin data, most of the time you'll probably want to actually output this data somewhere.

The super insecure login requirement

Setting Matryoshka.users.requireLogin(true); will require you to login when using Matryoshka. (This also requires the accounts-base and accounts-password packages.) This is currently super insecure, and currently all methods can be called by all clients no matter if user is logged in or not. (This will be fixed soon!) Also, user creation is up to you to validate and secure, there are no rules set in Matryoshka for these things.

Defining your own input types

So maybe you want something fancier than a textarea or select input. Something like support for Pen, which is Medium-like editing? Or something entirely else?

Then just create a new package which adds your own field type like this:

    // This is what the user will set the field type to instead of
    // text/textarea/select etc.
    name: 'theNameOfYourField',
    // This is the name of the template which should be displayed
    // with your own input field.
    templateFileName: 'matryoshka__customField__pen',
    // The initMethod is run when the user goes to a nestable page.
    // So be careful with what you put here, side effecs etc.
    initMethod: function () {
        Session.setDefault('some-value-which-is-needed', true );
    // This is optional.
    // You can define a method which will run before the actual save
    // of the document happens when the user saves the document.
    saveMethod: function ( doc ) {
        // Modify the doc however you'd like and then return it
        return doc;

Look in the Pen package for more detailed info.

The UI

The UI will need an explanation, let's write it!

The onAfterAction

So, maybe you want to transform the value of your input somehow after the user has provided it? Just add a onAfterAction method to the field you want to transform like below. (Optional: You also get the current context passed with the currently set values as the second argument to the callback.)

fields: [
    name: 'stringWithoutDashedInsteadOfSpaces',
    type: 'text',
    onAfterAction: function ( value, context ) {
      // Also adds the "someOtherValue" value (defined below!) to the end of the string
      value = value + context.someOtherValue;
      // Replaces all spaces with dashes.
      return value.replace(/ |\./g, '-');
    name: 'someOtherValue',
    type: 'text',

In this case, the string 'Hej det här är svenska!' will turn into 'Hej-det-här-är-svenska!'.

Good for preparing URL's etc!

The beforeAction on the locked field type

This might get deleted!!

Sometimes you may want to use one field to generate another field. Maybe you've got a blog post field and you want to automatically generate a url slug from this headline. This is how you'd do that:

  1. Set the field 'type' for the slug to 'locked'
  2. Set a 'beforeAction' object for the slug which contains two fields: 'fn' and 'vars'
  3. The 'fn' field should be the name of the function you want to call to create the slug
  4. The 'vars' field should contain an array which will be passed to the function ( using .apply(vars) )
  5. The 'vars' array field will reference other fields in your nestable. So if you set vars: ['headline'] then the headline which has been set by the user will be passed to the function, not the string 'headline'
  6. To sum up: this would be a working example (if the function 'prepareUrl' is defined globally by the user):

Matryoshka.nestables.add({ nestableName: 'blogPost', nestableNameReadable: 'A blog post', type: 'someTypeDefinedByTheUser', fields: [ { name: 'headline', type: 'text' }, { name: 'slug', type: 'locked', description: 'The slug is automatically generated from the headline.', beforeAction: { fn: 'prepareUrl', vars: ['headline'] } }, { name: 'postImage', type: 'text', imagePreview: true }, { name: 'fullText', type: 'textarea' } ] });

Oh, this could probably be improved quite a bit. It's actually quite limited right now.

**This might get deleted!!**