krtek / Tea-clock

Steep your tea right!
MIT License
26 stars 12 forks source link


Steep your tea right.


Currently running on website and as a Chrome Web Store application. Written in Coffeescript, with Angular.js and Twitter Bootstrap.

Setup dev environment

  1. sudo npm install -g bower grunt-cli
  2. npm install - installs development libraries (coffeescript etc.)
  3. bower install - downloads Angular.js and Twitter Bootstrap
  4. grunt - compiles all .coffee to .js and generates HTML5 appcache
  5. Deploy on apache server
  6. Enjoy!

Watch for changes and recompile

  1. grunt watch

Unit testing

  1. Install karma by running npm install -g karma
  2. Run tests by running karma start tests/karma.conf.js
  3. Unit tests are located in tests/unit