krypt0nn / wincompatlib

Set of interfaces to run windows applications on unix-like systems using Wine written on :crab: Rust
MIT License
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rust wine

🦀 wincompatlib

Rust library that contains a set of interfaces to run windows applications on unix-like systems using Wine



Run cmd.exe using system wine

use wincompatlib::prelude::*;

// Run cmd.exe using system wine

// Ask for cmd's help
let child = Wine::default().run_args(["cmd", "/c", "help"]).unwrap();

println!("Help: {}", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&child.wait_with_output().unwrap()));

Print wine version

use wincompatlib::prelude::*;

// Print wine version
println!("Wine version: {:?}", Wine::default().version().unwrap());

Run cmd.exe using custom wine, and then stop it

use wincompatlib::prelude::*;

let wine = Wine::from_binary("/path/to/wine");

// Run cmd.exe using custom wine
// and then stop it"cmd");

Print DXVK version

// Requires "dxvk" feature (enabled by default)
use wincompatlib::prelude::*;

match Dxvk::get_version("/path/to/prefix") {
    Ok(Some(version)) => println!("DXVK applied: {}", version),
    Ok(None) => println!("DXVK is not applied"),
    Err(err) => eprintln!("Failed to get DXVK version: {}", err)

Install DXVK

// Requires "dxvk" feature (enabled by default)
use wincompatlib::prelude::*;

    .install_dxvk("/path/to/dxvk-x.y.z", InstallParams::default())
    .expect("Failed to install DXVK");

Author: Nikita Podvirnyi

Licensed under MIT