kryptovero /

MIT License
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Finland crypto FIFO tax calculator

Calculate taxes for the Finnish government from your crypto tradings

Finnish government has rules for taxation of different crypto trades. The rules are quite complex compared to how easy it is to trade coins, so this project aims to build an easy-to-use and free tool so you know to pay correct amount of taxes.

Note that this website is not currently deployed, and it has not been maintained for a couple of years. If you're interested, this project woukd need some love.

Getting started

At the moment this project implements the examples from as unit tests. You can run the unit tests with yarn test.

Later this will be probably deployed as a webapp


First run: Install dependencies with yarn.

After that the development is basic TDD using:

yarn test --watch

This watches all changed files automatically for changes and re-runs appropriate tests when necessary. See src/ folder for both unit tests and implementation.


This project is deployed to Netlify. All pull requests create a new test environment and the master branch is deployed to production automatically.


This project


This is a free and voluntary open source project. Pull requests are warmly welcome. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch.

If you find any bugs or want to propose a new feature, please open a Github issue to discuss.


The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.