real-time cryptocurrency course neuronal network prediction
for bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin on the Bitstamp platform
:gem: :chart_with_upwards_trend:
- If this client helped you, feel free to buy me a :beer:
- BTC:
- ETH:
- LTC:
- Donations are much appreciated.
- If you dont want to give away money, starring the project is also a way of saying
thank you :)
- automatically builds a dataset for each currency on live-trades from
using the pusher api
- LSTM neuronal networks can be trained on the fly in child-processes on the latest data with a simple web-request and a prediction is applied on any incoming live trade
- the future course for the next ~ 10 minutes is predicted
- information is shared with a front-end application that updates trades and predictions in
real-time charts
- dataset and networks are constantly updated and stored in files
- rates its own performance by remembering predictions it made and comparing them to the real
state of the currencies course
- emits events that make it easy to implement auto-trading of the currencies
- Node.js > 8
- yarn ->
npm i -g yarn
- clone this repo
- install dependencies via
- start 3 processes for each currency
yarn bitcoin
, yarn ethereum
, yarn litecoin
- it is also possible to run them individually
- open
in your browser
- visit
for an overview
- find the chart graph @
(note: the front-end will always connect to any instance that is available
even if you start 3 processes you will only need to open the front-end on one of them)
- find the performance graph @
- get infos about the instances @
alt :3334 and :3335
- get performance stats @
alt :3334 and :3335
Training Neuronal Networks
curl http://localhost:3333/nn/train/btceur
curl http://localhost:3334/nn/train/etheur
curl http://localhost:3335/nn/train/ltceur
- Training will fork a child process that reads the dataset from disk,
runs etl, trains the network and stores its serialised form back on disk,
when the child process exits successfully the parent process will re-read
the neuronal network from disk an deserialise it, the new version will instantly
apply predictions on incoming trades
How does it work?
- Coinpusher.js starts a Coinstream.js for every configured currency,
as well as SocketServer (http interface + websocket server)
- The coinstream will subscribe to a currency topic and receive live-trade events,
which he will append to a file at
, which is why you can stop
and start the process whenever you want, it will always reload data that is already stored
and continue writing to the stream file
- The socket-server will expose http endpoints to trigger actions of coinpusher and also to retreive
information about the current state, as well as expose a websocket interface for the client apps
which will receive a lot of packages for predictions, live trades or performance data to display
them in HTML charts
- Neuronal Networks can be trained on the fly (triggered by http endpoints) they are also stored on
disk at
, networks are also reloaded on process start
- If a network is present in memory, it will predict on every incoming live trade, prediction
results are attached to the trade objects and send broadcasted to the clients
- Based on timing ~ 12 minutes constant predictions are made that will stick in in front-end charts
as well as they build the basis for future performance tests, as we can use them in the future to compare the predictions with the actually course state (price) these are called "drifts"
- Whenever drifts are created or compared they also emit events and broadcast packets to the client
to 1. identify possibly actions for trading bots e.g. buy and sell and 2. to rate the performance of the network's prediction in the real-world
- The system is developed to be a little generic, meaning that changing neuronal network intput and output vectors, or stream sources, or timings can be done with little effort, as the the rest of the system adapts to the values on the fly e.g. relative array sizes a.m.m..
- When I talk about "currency" I am actually talking about the currency-pairs of bistamp e.g. etheur
- You are responsible for your own damage, if you use this project to predict bot actions
Client Info
- The client codes uses ECMA6+ features without transpiling them, you will need an up to date version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for this work properly
- the client also ships with 2 external libraries:
- Plotly.js
- Moment.js
Adjusting Configuration
- To alter the dataset size etc. checkout the "const" variables in the first lines of
- To adjust the network layers checkout "createNewNetwork()" in
- To adjust the network architecture checkout the
helper class
- To change
and output-vectors
of the network take a look at the ETLS
object of ./lib/Coinpusher.js
- Websocket & HTTP setup can be found in
- Changing the port of the http and websocket server can be done by altering the arguments
in "start()" of
Attaching a trade bot
Its actually quite easy to get started:
const {Bitstamp, CURRENCY} = require("node-bitstamp");
//you can also install via npm i coinpusher or yarn add coinpusher
const {Coinpusher} = require("coinpusher"); //alt. require("./lib/Coinpusher.js");
const bitstamp = new Bitstamp({
const cp = new Coinpusher();
cp.start(CURRENCY.BTC_EUR, 3333).then(() => {
//subscribe to the drift event (apprx. emmits every ~ 12 minutes)
//the prediction will be placed in the future apprx. ~ 9,6 minutes
//the timing are apprx. because they depend on the output vector size which is configurable
//we currently set the size to 278 and assume n seconds distance between trades e.g. 278 * 5 seconds
//the futureValue is a median value taken from the last 20% of outputs
cp.on("drift", data => {
const {
id, //uuid.v4
drift, // e.g. -12.5
timestamp, // unix seconds
currentValue, // current course value -> 3440.0
futureValue, // predicted course value -> 3452.5
timestampFormatted, //YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
currency //btceur
} = data;
//depening on the last action buy or sell you can now plan
//the next action you might make
bitstamp.buyLimitOrder(amount, price, currency, limit_price, daily_order);
//or sell
bitstamp.sellLimitOrder(amount, price, currency, limit_price, daily_order);
//obviously this requires some additional tracking of account capacity
//limit tresholds, as well as taking care of fee calculations.. etc..
More infos about the Bitstamp API client can be found here
More Screenshots
- Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
- Contact me if you need help or require a different license