krystynakono / the_moodie_foodie

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The Moodie Foodie


Do you love eating but hate deciding where to go eat? The Moodie Foodie is the app for you. 'hungry hampster'

User Story

At sign up, the user will take a brief quiz about the types of foods they prefer to eat when they are in different moods.

Upon log in, the user can either input their current mood or take a quick selfie. We will analyze their facial expression to determine the dominant emotion and search for a restaurant in the area that match the cuisine they prefer to eat when in that mood.

We will return only one matching restaurant with relvant information to take the stress out of deciding where to eat. The user can either:

'login page'

'restaurant view'




Homepage Vision

'hompage vision'

Login/Quiz Vision

'login vision'

Technologies Used


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