krzysztofzablocki / Sourcery

Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
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Adding support for Swift Package Plugins #1090

Open polpielladev opened 1 year ago

polpielladev commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! 👋

After speaking to @krzysztofzablocki, we decided that it would be good to get my [sourcery-plugins]() repo into the Sourcery's main repository.

I will be looking at this piece of work shortly, which will involve the following work:

At the end of this work, Sourcery's consumers will be able to use the tool as a Swift Package Plugin.

Nikoloutsos commented 1 year ago

Kudos @pol-piella. Nice article

krzysztofzablocki commented 1 year ago

BTW @pol-piella you might be able to use cache path argument for the sandbox issue

polpielladev commented 1 year ago

BTW @pol-piella you might be able to use cache path argument for the sandbox issue

Awesome! 🎉 I am nearly done with the first PR, will add support for that before I open it 🚀

eddiekaiger commented 1 year ago

Any updates on the build plugin?

markst commented 1 year ago

@polpielladev does this change anything for you? #1150

polpielladev commented 1 year ago

Don't have a lot of bandwidth to look into this at the moment but I was planning on having a go again at trying to implement the build plugin.

I will see if I can find some time this weekend to have a play and I can report on the outcome 👀

BrentMifsud commented 4 months ago

any updates on this? Trying to get rid of mint from our CI and this is the last build plugin we need.