krzysztofzablocki / Sourcery

Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
MIT License
7.58k stars 605 forks source link
code-generation codegen codegenerator ios metaprogramming swift templates

macOS 13 ubuntu x86_64

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In-Depth Sourcery guide is covered as part of my SwiftyStack engineering course.

Sourcery Pro provides a powerful Stencil editor and extends Xcode with the ability to handle live AST templates: available on Mac App Store

Learn more about Sourcery Pro

Sourcery is a code generator for Swift language, built on top of Apple's own SwiftSyntax. It extends the language abstractions to allow you to generate boilerplate code automatically.

It's used in over 40,000 projects on both iOS and macOS and it powers some of the most popular and critically-acclaimed apps you have used (including Airbnb, Bumble, New York Times). Its massive community adoption was one of the factors that pushed Apple to implement derived Equality and automatic Codable conformance. Sourcery is maintained by a growing community of contributors.

Try Sourcery for your next project or add it to an existing one -- you'll save a lot of time and be happy you did!


Sourcery allows you to get rid of repetitive code and create better architecture and developer workflows. An example might be implementing Mocks for all your protocols, without Sourcery you will need to write hundreds lines of code per each protocol like this:

class MyProtocolMock: MyProtocol {

    //MARK: - sayHelloWith
    var sayHelloWithNameCallsCount = 0
    var sayHelloWithNameCalled: Bool {
        return sayHelloWithNameCallsCount > 0
    var sayHelloWithNameReceivedName: String?
    var sayHelloWithNameReceivedInvocations: [String] = []
    var sayHelloWithNameClosure: ((String) -> Void)?

    func sayHelloWith(name: String) {
        sayHelloWithNameCallsCount += 1
        sayHelloWithNameReceivedName = name


and with Sourcery ?

extension MyProtocol: AutoMockable {}

Sourcery removes the need to write any of the mocks code, how many protocols do you have in your project? Imagine how much time you'll save, using Sourcery will also make every single mock consistent and if you refactor or add properties, the mock code will be automatically updated for you, eliminating possible human errors.

Sourcery can be applied to arbitrary problems across your codebase, if you can describe an algorithm to another human, you can automate it using Sourcery.

Most common uses are:

But how about more specific use-cases, like automatically generating all the UI for your app BetaSetting? you can use Sourcery for that too

Once you start writing your own template and learn the power of Sourcery you won't be able to live without it.

How To Get Started

There are plenty of tutorials for different uses of Sourcery, and you can always ask for help in our Swift Forum Category.

Quick Mocking Intro & Getting Started Video

You can also watch this quick getting started and intro to mocking video by Inside iOS Dev:

Watch the video


.package(url: "", from: "1.8.3")
- repo:
  rev: 1.9.1
  - id: sourcery


Full documentation for the latest release is available here.

Linux Support

Linux support is described on this page.


Running the executable

Sourcery is a command line tool; you can either run it manually or in a custom build phase using the following command:

$ ./bin/sourcery --sources <sources path> --templates <templates path> --output <output path>

Note: this command differs depending on how you installed Sourcery (see Installation)

Swift Package command

Sourcery can now be used as a Swift package command plugin. In order to do this, the package must be added as a dependency to your Swift package or Xcode project (see Installation above).

To provide a configuration for the plugin to use, place a .sourcery.yml file at the root of the target's directory (in the sources folder rather than the root of the package).

Running from the command line

To verify the plugin can be found by SwiftPM, use:

$ swift package plugin --list

To run the code generator, you need to allow changes to the project with the --allow-writing-to-package-directory flag:

$ swift package --allow-writing-to-package-directory sourcery-command

Running in Xcode

Inside a project/package that uses this command plugin, right-click the project and select "SourceryCommand" from the "SourceryPlugins" menu group.

⚠️ Note that this is only available from Xcode 14 onwards.

Command line options

Configuration file

Instead of CLI arguments, you can use a .sourcery.yml configuration file:

  - <sources path>
  - <sources path>
  - <templates path>
  - <templates path>
  - <string value>
  - <string value>
  <output path>
  <name>: <value>

Read more about this configuration file here.


If you get an unverified developer warning when using binary zip distribution try: xattr -dr Sourcery-1.1.1


Contributions to Sourcery are welcomed and encouraged!

It is easy to get involved. Please see the Contributing guide for more details.

A list of contributors is available through GitHub.

To clarify what is expected of our community, Sourcery has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant. This document is used across many open source communities, and articulates my values well. For more, see the Code of Conduct.


If you'd like to support Sourcery development you can do so through GitHub Sponsors or Open Collective, it's highly appreciated 🙇‍

If you are a company and would like to sponsor the project directly and get it's logo here, you can contact me directly


Bumble Inc

Airbnb Engineering


Sourcery is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


This tool is powered by

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Other Libraries / Tools

If you want to generate code for asset related data like .xib, .storyboards etc. use SwiftGen. SwiftGen and Sourcery are complementary tools.

Make sure to check my other libraries and tools, especially:

You can follow me on Twitter for news/updates about other projects I am creating.