krzysztofzablocki / Sourcery

Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
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Typealias resolution replaces unrelated generic types #1326

Closed fabianmuecke closed 2 months ago

fabianmuecke commented 2 months ago

As discussed here, there's a wider issue with the typealias resolution replacing unrelated types. The second variant of this issue is manifested by replacing the generic type parameters of generic function arguments with the type set to some unrelated typealias of the same name.

Try this self contained example:

typealias Value = String?

// sourcery: DoIt
protocol Foo {
    func foo<Value>(param: Bar<Value>)

struct Bar<Value> {}

using this template:

{% for type in types.protocols where type|annotated:"DoIt" %}
    {% for method in type.methods where method.isGeneric %}
        {{method.parameters.first.typeName}} // "Bar<Value>"
        {{method.parameters.first.typeName.generic.typeParameters.first.typeName}} // "String?", but should be "Value"
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

will output this:

// Generated using Sourcery 2.2.3 β€”

        Bar<Value> // "Bar<Value>"
        String? // "String?", but should be "Value"
art-divin commented 2 months ago

πŸ‘‹πŸ» Thank you for your bug report, @fabianmuecke .

I have looked into it, and it seems like there is a missing parsing of GenericParameterListSyntax when Method is instantiated, as opposed to GenericWhereClauseSyntax which is serialized.

Trying things here and there, might be solvable.

art-divin commented 2 months ago

1327 resolves this

art-divin commented 2 months ago

@fabianmuecke release 2.2.4 includes this.

fabianmuecke commented 2 months ago

@fabianmuecke release 2.2.4 includes this.

Great. Thanks for fixing this so quickly, @art-divin! πŸŽ‰ πŸ™

I can confirm, that the fix resolved the issue for us. πŸ‘