ksaito-ut / openworld_ldet

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Learning to Detect Every Thing in an Open World

[Paper] | [Project Page] | [Demo Video]

If you use this code for your research, please cite:

Learning to Detect Every Thing in an Open World.

Kuniaki Saito, Ping Hu, Trevor Darrell, Kate Saenko. In Arxiv 2021. [Bibtex]


[2022/02/20] We find a bug in evaluation code and are rewriting the paper. Please contact the authors if you plan to cite our papers.

[2022/03/11] We fixed the bug in ldet/evaluation/coco_evaluation.py. The pascal class id was not indexed correctly. We will further update the repo following our updated paper.

[2022/04/11] Updated the evaluation code following new paper.



Build LDET

Code Structure

Data Preparation

We provide evaluation on COCO, UVO, and Mapillary (v2.0) in this repository:

E.g., the data structure of UVO dataset is as follows:


Trained models

The trained weights are available from link attached with model.

Method Training Dataset Evaluation Dataset box
Mask RCNN VOC-COCO Non-VOC 1.5 10.9 0.7 9.1 model | config
Mask RCNNS VOC-COCO Non-VOC 3.4 18.0 2.2 15.8 model | config
LDET VOC-COCO Non-VOC 5.0 30.8 4.7 27.4 model | config
Mask RCNNS COCO UVO 25.3 42.3 20.6 35.9 model | config
LDET COCO UVO 25.8 47.5 21.9 40.7 model | config

Training & Evaluation


To train a model, run

## Training on VOC-COCO
sh tools/run_train.sh configs/VOC-COCO/voc_coco_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml save_dir
## Training on COCO
sh tools/run_train.sh configs/COCO/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml save_dir
## Training on Cityscapes
sh tools/run_train.sh configs/Cityscapes/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml save_dir

Note that the training will produce two directories, i.e., one for normal models and the other for exponential moving averaged models. We used the latter for evaluation.


To evaluate the trained models, run

## Test on Non-VOC-COCO
sh tools/run_test.sh configs/VOC-COCO/voc_coco_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml weight_to_eval
## Test on UVO, Obj365
sh tools/run_test.sh configs/COCO/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml weight_to_eval
## Test on Mapillary
sh tools/run_test.sh configs/Cityscapes/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml weight_to_eval

The above script will show two results: agnostic mode and classwise mode. The agnostic mode regards all instances as a single class while classwise mode makes distinction on different classes. To consider class imbalance, we report AR in classwise mode in our paper while reporting AP in agnostic mode. Note that the above script computes performance on novel classes. To get performance on all classes, please disable the flag of exclude_known.