kshawkin / Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries

Best Practices for TEI in Libraries: A guide for mass digitization, automated workflows, and promotion of interoperability with XML using the TEI
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bibliographies and other lists of works cited #12

Closed kshawkin closed 7 years ago

kshawkin commented 9 years ago

We give no guidance on encoding bibliographies, lists of works cited, lists of references, and other such things in documents. In TEI, you would use listBibl for this. We need to decide:

  1. Whether to include this in the BP and at which level.
  2. Whether to use bibl, biblStruct, or biblFull inside the list. (I strongly argue for bibl to give you the necessary flexibility to faithfully encode source documents.)
  3. Since listBibl can include a head, the listBibl element could be a sibling of a div in TEI. However, this would go against the BP, which says to use divs for everything. So should listBibl go inside a div? If so, should the head be a child of listBibl (as in TEI) or of the div (to be consistent with other parts of the BP)?
pcgorman commented 8 years ago
  1. Yes - at least level 4, possibly 3 and up.
  2. I agree w/ bibl, for the reason stated, and also for the simpler workflow.
  3. I'd argue that listBibl go inside a div, and have the header go with the div instead of the listBibl. There is often text intervening between the head and the list.
emylonas commented 8 years ago

Sep. 2016 work group discussion - agree with Peter's comment above Recommendation, at level 3, put bibliography and refs in a <div type="bibliography">, with <listBibl> which will contain <bibl>s with no further detail marked. Open question - what do is the Level 4 recommendation? how much detail within <bibl> to have at that level. No decision yet.

emylonas commented 7 years ago

Level 4: require Author or editor of whole work, title and date. Can have access to the rest of the elements that can appear within <bibl>.

Note that for level 3, may want to allow some phrase level elements inside <bibl>

need to do prose and schema

kshawkin commented 7 years ago

Elli's comment above is what we decided during BPTL call on 2017-02-13. We also decided to require use of @when on <date>.

Note that in the table of elements for Level 4, we use "recommended" for thing that are required and "optional" for things that are not required. This is because, as described in the introduction:

As guidelines rather than a specification, these Best Practices use should instead of must in nearly all cases (except where a practice is required by P5), with optional practices indicated by may. However, to encourage conformance to these Best Practices, the ODD files will generate schemas that require use of recommended elements (indicated by should).

However, this could change based on how we resolve https://github.com/kshawkin/Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries/issues/52 .

Still need to assign to someone to implement.

emylonas commented 7 years ago

How to proceed

Level 3:

Level 4:

sydb commented 7 years ago

Fixed at f1f222d.