kshawkin / Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries

Best Practices for TEI in Libraries: A guide for mass digitization, automated workflows, and promotion of interoperability with XML using the TEI
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publicationStmt invalid #40

Closed emylonas closed 8 years ago

emylonas commented 8 years ago

<publicationStmt> is invalid, because it only contains one element <availability>. <publicationStmt> can either be unstructured, and contain an <ab> or <p> with free text content, or it has to have one of the following as the initial element: <publisher>, <distributor>, <authority>.

I suggest that we use <authority>Text Encoding Initiative in Libraries SIG</authority> or just <authority>Text Encoding Initiative</authority> since this is supposed to show who is making the text available.

emylonas commented 8 years ago

If we can reach consensus on this, I can commit my changes, otherwise the file remains invalid. (I can just put an empty <authority> in as well, and we can quibble over wording later.)

kshawkin commented 8 years ago

It sounds like you've found an error in one of the ODD files themselves rather than an error in the content model of <publicationStmt> as specified in lib-header.odd or an incorrect statement in the prose in one of the ODD files. However, I can't find the problem. Can you give me a filename and line number?

emylonas commented 8 years ago

I'm getting an error in main-driver.odd line 31 - inside <publicationStmt>.

Yes, it is an error in the file - it's not an error in the content model, but an inconvenience that I've noticed before (and others have as well).

kshawkin commented 8 years ago

Ah yes, I see now. I would just add <authority>TEI SIG on Libraries</authority> as found in the other ODD files. Thanks!

emylonas commented 8 years ago

closed with commit 94e9705 merged