kspo / super_cupertino_navigation_bar

This package offers a collapsible app bar along with an attractive search bar animation, enhancing the visual appeal of your Flutter app with an iOS-inspired design. This package is versatile, allowing complete customization, and it seamlessly works on both iOS and Android platforms.
MIT License
64 stars 9 forks source link
appbar cupertino dart flutter navigation package

Super Cupertino Navigation Bar V2

Flutter Extension

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Super Cupertino Navigation Bar

As a developer passionate about Apple UI/UX designs, I felt that Flutter lacked sufficient support for a widget that I wanted to develop. CupertinoSliverNavigationBar does not provide support for a search bar and a bottom app bar. Additionally, even if you were to add them as Slivers, creating a built-in animation and, furthermore, implementing Apple transition animations during page transitions would be challenging. This plugin frees you from this burden.

Floated Large Title Pinned Large Title Only Large Title
Normal Navbar Floated Normal Navbar Pinned Only Navbar
Large Title, SearchBar and Bottom Large Title and Bottom

πŸš€πŸš€ WEB DEMO πŸš€πŸš€

Before the table of content, hereby, you can find all of example from here. Enjoy!

It's been necessary from the beginning, and I just did it.

Why Should You Use Super Cupertino Navigation Bar?

Using SuperScaffold provides several advantages and additional features compared to the standard Scaffold in Flutter. Here are some reasons why you might consider using SuperScaffold:

  1. Configurability: SuperScaffold allows you to easily configure and customize various parts of the app bar, including the title, large title, search bar, and bottom bar. This provides flexibility in adapting the app bar to the specific design requirements of your application.

  2. Search Bar Integration: With SuperScaffold, you can integrate a search bar (SuperSearchBar) directly into the app bar, complete with customizable behavior, animation, and callbacks for handling user input.

  3. Large Title Support: The SuperLargeTitle feature enables the use of large titles in the app bar, which can be particularly useful in applications with a prominent navigation hierarchy.

  4. Bottom Bar Options: The SuperAppBarBottom feature allows you to add a bottom bar below the app bar, providing additional space for interactive elements or navigation controls.

  5. Consistent Theming: SuperScaffold includes theming options to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout your application. You can customize colors, borders, and other visual aspects easily.

Okay! Let's dive deep!


Before the table of content, hereby, you can find all of example from here. Enjoy!

Super Cupertino Navigation Bar


Getting Started

Add dependency

  super_cupertino_navigation_bar: latest_version

Add import package

import 'package:super_cupertino_navigation_bar/super_cupertino_navigation_bar.dart';

Easy to use

  backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor,
  body: SuperScaffold(
      appBar: SuperAppBar(
        title: Text("Hello SuperScaffold"),
        largeTitle: SuperLargeTitle(
          enabled: true,
          largeTitle: "Welcome",
        searchBar: SuperSearchBar(
          enabled: true,
          onChanged: (query) {
            // Search Bar Changes
          onSubmitted: (query) {
            // On Search Bar submitted
          searchResult: /* ... */,
          // Add other search bar properties as needed
        bottom: SuperAppBarBottom(
          enabled: true,
          height: 40,
          child: YourCustomBottomWidget(), // Any widget of yours
      body: SingleChildScrollView( // You can use CustomScrollView or any Widget desired
        child: Column(
          children: [
                // Playground card
                // Add your onTap logic for Playground card
                // List of example cards
                // Add your ListView.separated logic for example cards


SuperScaffold is an extended version of the Flutter Scaffold widget with additional features and customization options.

Additional Features and Customization Options

Feel free to use this extended SuperScaffold in your Flutter application for enhanced customization and additional features. Adjust the parameters according to your application's requirements.


SuperAppBar is a customizable Flutter widget that extends the functionality of the default AppBar. It provides enhanced features such as a search bar, large title, and additional customization options.


Parameter Description Default Value
title The main title of the app bar. If a Text widget is provided, it ensures that a default style is set if none is provided. -
actions Additional widgets to display on the app bar, typically icons or buttons. -
height The height of the app bar. kToolbarHeight
leadingWidth The width of the leading widget. -
leading A widget to display before the title. If automaticallyImplyLeading is true, this widget will represent the back button. -
automaticallyImplyLeading Whether to automatically include a leading widget (typically a back button). true
titleSpacing The space between the leading widget and the title. 15
previousPageTitle The title of the previous page when using the back button. "Back"
alwaysShowTitle Whether to always show the title, regardless of whether it fits within the app bar. false
searchBar An optional SuperSearchBar widget for search functionality. -
largeTitle An optional SuperLargeTitle widget for displaying a large title. -
bottom An optional SuperAppBarBottom widget for additional content at the bottom of the app bar. -
backgroundColor The background color of the app bar. -
bottomBorder The border at the bottom of the app bar. -
shadowColor The color of the app bar's shadow. -

Example Usage

  title: Text("My App"),
  actions: const [Icon(Icons.search), Icon(Icons.more_vert)],
  previousPageTitle: "Home",
  searchBar: SuperSearchBar(),
  largeTitle: SuperLargeTitle(),
  bottom: SuperAppBarBottom(),
  backgroundColor: Colors.black,
  bottomBorder: const BorderSide(color: Colors.grey, width: 1),
  shadowColor: Colors.grey,

Feel free to customize the SuperAppBar based on your specific design requirements in your Flutter application!


SuperLargeTitle is a Flutter widget designed to display a large and prominent title. It offers customization options for styling and layout.


Parameter Description Default Value
enabled Whether the large title is enabled or disabled. true
largeTitle The text to be displayed as the large title. "Hello Super Human"
actions A list of additional widgets or actions to be displayed next to the large title. null
textStyle The style of the large title text. See default values below
height The height of the large title. kToolbarHeight
padding The padding around the large title. EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 15.0)

Example Usage

  enabled: true, // default value is true
  largeTitle: "Super Human",
  actions: [
      icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle settings button press
      icon: Icon(Icons.search),
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle search button press
  textStyle: TextStyle(
    color: Colors.blue,
    fontSize: 40.0,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

Feel free to customize the SuperLargeTitle in your Flutter application to create visually appealing and informative large titles.


SuperSearchBar is a customizable Flutter widget that provides a flexible and feature-rich search bar for your application. It includes various options for styling, behavior, and interaction.


Parameter Description Default Value
cancelButtonText The text displayed on the cancel button. "Cancel"
cancelTextStyle The style of the cancel button's text. TextStyle(color: CupertinoColors.systemBlue)
placeholderTextStyle The style of the placeholder text. TextStyle(color: CupertinoColors.systemGrey)
placeholderText The placeholder text displayed in the search bar. "Search"
prefixIcon The icon displayed as a prefix in the search bar. Icon(CupertinoIcons.search)
actions Additional actions displayed in the search bar. Type SuperAction []
scrollBehavior The scroll behavior of the search bar. SearchBarScrollBehavior.floated
height The height of the search bar. 35.0
padding The padding of the search bar. EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 15.0)
animationBehavior The animation behavior of the search bar. SearchBarAnimationBehavior.top
animationDuration The duration of the search bar animation. Duration(milliseconds: 250)
searchResult The widget displayed as a search result. Text(".", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.transparent))
resultBehavior The visibility behavior of the search result. SearchBarResultBehavior.visibleOnFocus
enabled Whether the search bar is enabled or disabled. true
textStyle The style of the text entered in the search bar. TextStyle()
onChanged Callback function triggered when the text in the search bar changes. -
onFocused Callback function triggered when the search bar gains or loses focus. -
onSubmitted Callback function triggered when the user submits the search bar. -
searchController The TextEditingController for controlling the text in the search bar. -
searchFocusNode The FocusNode for controlling the focus state of the search bar. -
backgroundColor The background color of the search bar. CupertinoColors.tertiarySystemFill
resultColor The color of the search result. -

Example Usage:

  enabled: true,
  resultBehavior: SearchBarResultBehavior.visibleOnInput,
  onChanged: (query) {
    // Handle changes in the search bar
    print("Search bar changed: $query");
  onSubmitted: (query) {
    // Handle submission of the search bar
    print("Search bar submitted: $query");

Feel free to integrate and customize the SuperSearchBar in your Flutter application to create a powerful and visually appealing search experience! Adjust the parameters according to your application's requirements.


Parameter Description Default Value
child The widget to be displayed. -
behavior The behavior of the widget based on SuperActionBehavior. visibleOnFocus



enum SearchBarScrollBehavior {


enum SearchBarAnimationBehavior {


enum SearchBarResultBehavior {


enum SuperActionBehavior {

Feel free to integrate and customize the SuperSearchBar in your Flutter application to create a powerful and visually appealing search experience!

Let's look at expected behaviour;

SearchBarResultBehavior.visibleOnInput SearchBarResultBehavior.visibleOnFocus NeverShowResultScreen


SuperAppBarBottom is a Flutter widget designed to provide additional content at the bottom of the SuperAppBar. It offers customization options for content, height, visibility, and color.


Parameter Description Default Value
child The widget or content to be displayed at the bottom of the SuperAppBar. SizedBox()
height The height of the content at the bottom. 35
enabled Whether the SuperAppBarBottom is enabled or disabled. false
color The background color of the SuperAppBarBottom. Colors.transparent

Example Usage

  child: Row(
    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
    children: [
        icon: Icon(Icons.home),
        onPressed: () {
          // Handle home button press
        icon: Icon(Icons.notifications),
        onPressed: () {
          // Handle notifications button press
        icon: Icon(Icons.person),
        onPressed: () {
          // Handle profile button press
  height: 50.0,
  enabled: true,
  color: Colors.blue,

Feel free to customize the SuperAppBarBottom in your Flutter application to add additional functionality or navigation options to your app bar.


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Contribute and Provide Feedback

If you wish to contribute to this project, take a look at my GitHub repository and report any issues or bugs. You can help me further improve the project!


This package is licensed under the MIT License. For detailed information, check the LICENSE file.