ksu-cs-robotics / fall-2019-gdp-main-project-arcadedream

fall-2019-gdp-main-project-arcadedream created by GitHub Classroom
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Arcade Dream

Project Manager: Alfred Shaker

  1. Design Document: https://github.com/ksu-cs-robotics/fall-2019-gdp-main-project-arcadedream/blob/master/doc/DesignDocument.md

  2. Rules of Naming conventions: https://github.com/ksu-cs-robotics/fall-2019-gdp-main-project-arcadedream/blob/master/doc/rules_nameing_convensions.md

  3. Rules of Version Control: https://github.com/ksu-cs-robotics/fall-2019-gdp-main-project-arcadedream/blob/master/doc/rules_version_control.md

Teams: Overall structure: Teams will build the overall arcade throughout the semester and each iteration make one arcade game. They will create a design document at the start of each iteration for the game they will make during it. While at the same time progressing the story of the arcade, increasing the size and adding elements to the arcade room. Maybe unlock cosmetics for winning the games. So each iteration they can come up with new things for the arcade itself while also making a new game inside it. This will allow them to create different types of games and learn to iterate and move quickly.


Team 1: Game Designer: create design documents for the arcade game for the iteration, detailing the game mechanics and the design/creation of the user interface, menus, and so on. They are responsible for the direction of the game and will be using the design document to do that. Level designer: design the layout and visuals of the levels involved in the game of the iteration

Team 2: Gameplay Programmers: create scripts for performing actions in the game Tester: play test the game, report all bugs and problems to the other teams. They are responsible for reporting any and all bugs/problems and document them, as even the ones that don’t go unfixed should still be documented for the future. Finding bugs in the demo that were not documented but are fairly common will be a bad point against the team

Team 3: Cinematic and sound: responsible for crafting the cinematics and programming sounds and sound effects into the game for certain actions and animations. Cinematics don’t have to be long and complex, as long as there is something visual to setup the game and the scene, that should be fine. Artist: create/get visuals for the game based on design for the game

Team 4: Networking: create networking for the games of the iterations. Mostly will be implementing the overall networking technique for the arcade games but in their own sessions. This will help people rotate into the networking job and learn more about it and figure out problems with the main networking team.