ksucpea / bettercanvas

Dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more for Canvas
MIT License
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Dashboard card color overlay allways on. #26

Closed tibogeeraerts closed 1 year ago

tibogeeraerts commented 1 year ago

Hi, I changed the dashboard card images to custom images. When I open my Canvas, it always has the color overlay on. It would be nice to turn off color overlay in the extension menu. I want to contribute to this if possible.

ksucpea commented 1 year ago

There should already be an option to disable color overlay in Canvas. There's 3 dots next to the dashboard text at the top that opens a menu with the option. Let me know if you can't find it and I can show you a screenshot

edit: so i just tested for myself and seems like this might not work properly. Does disabling the overlay work for you?

tibogeeraerts commented 1 year ago

I know that Cancas has this option but it doesn't always seem to work very well. I have done my best to program a solution to this problem and opend a pull request. You can do what you want with the solution.