ksucpea / bettercanvas

Dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more for Canvas
MIT License
86 stars 23 forks source link
chrome-extension dark-theme

Better Canvas

Better Canvas

Enhancements to Canvas like dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more!

Supported on

Google Chrome



To contact me, please email ksucpea@gmail.com, or you can open an issue within the "Issues" tab on GitHub.

Table of Contents


Better Canvas introduces improvements to the Canvas user interface:


To install, run, and build with this repository,

  git clone https://github.com/ksucpea/bettercanvas.git


To use Better Canvas, select your browser below to install the extension.



How to use

Version Notes

Update 5.10

Color Reference

Color Hex
Background #161616 #161616
Text #ffffff #ffffff
Accent 01 #ff002e #ff002e
Accent 02 #ff5200 #ff5200
Accent 03 #ff47ad #ff47ad


Add a new feature

To add a new feature, please follow these guidelines.

Note: I will probably make this automated in the future but it's a bit of work right now.


Changes to html/popup.html

<div class="option" id="<identifier>">
    <input type="radio" id="off" name="<identifier>">
    <input type="radio" id="on" name="<identifier>">
    <div class="slider">
        <div class="sliderknob"></div>
        <div class="sliderbg"></div>
    <span class="option-name"><option name></span>
<div class="option-container">
  <div class="option" id="<identifier>">
    <input type="radio" id="off" name="<identifier>">
    <input type="radio" id="on" name="<identifier>">
    <div class="slider">
      <div class="sliderknob"></div>
      <div class="sliderbg"></div>
    <span class="option-name"><option name></span>
  <div class="sub-options">
    <div class="sub-option">
      <input type="checkbox" id="<sub identifier>" name="<sub identifier>">
      <label for="<sub identifier>" class="sub-text"><option name></label>

Changes to js/popup.js

Changes to js/background.js

Changes to js/content.js

Add a new theme

To add a new theme, please follow these guidelines.

You can export a theme using the export tool in the menu and sending an email to me, or you can merge it here after doing the following:


Changes to js/popup.js

Changes to html/popup.html

<button id="theme-<id>" class="theme-button customization-button"><theme name> by <you></button>

File structure

├── README.md
├── \_locales
│ ├── en
│ │ └── messages.json
│ └── es
│ └── messages.json
├── css
│ ├── content.css
│ ├── options.css
│ └── popup.css
├── html
│ ├── options.html
│ └── popup.html
├── icon
│ ├── icon-128.png
│ ├── icon-16.png
│ ├── icon-19.png
│ ├── icon-32.png
│ ├── icon-38.png
│ ├── icon-48.png
│ ├── icon-wide.png
│ ├── iconwpadding.png
│ └── oldicon-128.png
├── js
│ ├── background.js
│ ├── content.js
│ └── popup.js
└── manifest.json

Update the file structure

Use the tree command

Learn more about tree commands for Linux/Unix here.

Learn more about tree commands for Windows here.





License: MIT

Better Canvas