ksucpea / bettercanvas

Dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more for Canvas
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Color-Coded Favicons #63

Closed kh2310 closed 3 months ago

kh2310 commented 4 months ago

It would be very helpful if this extension could color-code the favicons for different course pages (and sub-pages) to match each course's color theme. I spend a lot of time with a ton of Canvas tabs open, and sometimes it can be hard to navigate through all my open tabs. Color-coding the favicons would make it way easier to tell which course pages I have open at a glance

Example of how this could look:


ksucpea commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion - I added this in the new update, it's available on Firefox right now if you want to try it out 👍

HugoKim36 commented 3 months ago

So far, looks great!

There's only one minor bug I've noticed—for some reason, I see the default favicons if I right click a Canvas link and open it in a new tab (but then the colored icon shows up if I refresh the page afterwards, or if I navigate through Canvas in one tab). But other than that, it works perfectly