ksucpea / bettercanvas

Dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more for Canvas
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Past Courses under Card Customization is blank / No way to retrieve previous URLs used for backgrounds #69

Open Bobby-ct opened 3 weeks ago

Bobby-ct commented 3 weeks ago

No Past Courses show up while in Card Customization settings, only the header "Past Courses" (id="advanced-past") This past school year was the first time I used Better Canvas and was looking forward to reusing the background images I had set on my past class cards- but now that I went to go look at the past course settings in Better Canvas, I found it to be blank. Not a serious issue or anything, just kinda annoying that I'll have to go back and try to find the same links that I used before.
Screenshot 2024-06-13 213302

ksucpea commented 2 weeks ago

I think this this could be happening if your past courses are now marked as inactive. If you go to https://*your_canvas_url*/courses, do the classes show up under "Past Enrollments"?

Bobby-ct commented 2 weeks ago

All of my courses from the past school year show up under Past Enrollments on the actual canvas page itself, its just the plugin that doesn't recognize any of them Screenshot 2024-06-17 233012

ksucpea commented 2 weeks ago

I see, I'll try changing it to include inactive classes then