ksya / homeassistant_nefiteasy_climate

Climate component for Home Assistant to control the Nefit Easy smart thermostat.
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Deprecated. Please use https://github.com/ksya/ha-nefiteasy.

Nefit Easy™ Home Assistant component

Let Home Assistant communicate with your Nefit/Bosch smart thermostat. You can view the current temprature, the status (idle, hot water, heat) and set a target temperature. You can also view some additional data, such as the supply temperature and system pressure.


  1. First install Nefit Easy™ HTTP server
  2. Copy the nefit_easy.py file to *your homeassistant config dir*/custom_components/climate
  3. Add the compontent to your configuration.yaml (see Configuration below)
  4. Restart Home Assistant


The default host is localhost, default port is 3000.

  platform: nefit_easy
  host: localhost (optional)
  port: 3000 (optional)
  scan_interval: 60 (optional) #refresh rate in seconds

You can add custom sensors for the following info:

These sensors can be added in the following way in your configuration.yaml:

sensor nefit:
- platform: template
      friendly_name: "System temperature"
      value_template: "{{ states.climate.nefit_easy.attributes.supply_temp }}"
      entity_id: 'climate.nefit_easy'
      unit_of_measurement: '°'

binary_sensor nefit:
- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Hot water available"
      value_template: "{{ states.climate.nefit_easy.attributes.hotwater_active }}"
      entity_id: 'climate.nefit_easy'