kszucs / aiopeewee

Asyncio interface for Peewee ORM
MIT License
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async asyncio orm peewee sanic


Asyncio interface for peewee modeled after torpeewee

Implemented database adapters:

Currently 125 test cases have been ported from peewee, not all of them but constantly increases.

Simple Atomic operations (transactions) are also supported, but now well tested.


.. code:: bash

pip install aiopeewee

# or

conda install aiopeewee


.. code:: python

from aiopeewee import AioModel, AioMySQLDatabase
from peewee import CharField, TextField, DateTimeField
from peewee import ForeignKeyField, PrimaryKeyField

db = AioMySQLDatabase('test', host='', port=3306,
                     user='root', password='')

class User(AioModel):
    username = CharField()

    class Meta:
        database = db

class Blog(AioModel):
    user = ForeignKeyField(User)
    title = CharField(max_length=25)
    content = TextField(default='')
    pub_date = DateTimeField(null=True)
    pk = PrimaryKeyField()

    class Meta:
        database = db

# create connection pool
await db.connect(loop)

# count
await User.select().count()

# async iteration on select query
async for user in User.select():

# fetch all records as a list from a query in one pass
users = await User.select()

# insert
user = await User.create(username='kszucs')

# modify
user.username = 'krisztian'
await user.save()

# async iteration on blog set
[b.title async for b in user.blog_set.order_by(Blog.title)]

# close connection pool
await db.close()

# see more in the tests


Note that AioManyToManyField must be used instead of ManyToMany.

.. code:: python

from aiopeewee import AioManyToManyField

class User(AioModel):
    username = CharField(unique=True)

    class Meta:
        database = db

class Note(AioModel):
    text = TextField()
    users = AioManyToManyField(User)

    class Meta:
        database = db

NoteUserThrough = Note.users.get_through_model()

async for user in note.users:
    # do something with the users

Currently the only limitation I'm aware of immidiate setting of instance relation must be replaced with a method call:

.. code:: python

# original, which is not supported
charlie.notes = [n2, n3]

# use instead
await charlie.notes.set([n2, n3])


Converting to dict requires the asyncified version of model_to_dict

.. code:: python

from aiopeewee import model_to_dict

serialized = await model_to_dict(user)

.. _peewee: http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/ .. _torpeewee: https://github.com/snower/torpeewee

.. |Build Status| image:: http://drone.lensa.com:8000/api/badges/kszucs/aiopeewee/status.svg :target: http://drone.lensa.com:8000/kszucs/pandahouse