ktdreyer / koji-ansible

Ansible modules to manage Koji resources
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ansible modules to manage Koji <https://pagure.io/koji>_ resources.

This is not about installing Koji. Instead, it is a way to declaratively define things within Koji, where you might normally use the koji CLI.


The koji_tag module can create, update, and delete tags within Koji. It can also manage the tag inheritance, packages list and groups list for a tag.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Create a koji tag for the ceph product
    name: ceph-3.1-rhel-7
    arches: x86_64
    state: present
        - ansible
        - ceph
        - ceph-ansible
    - rpm-build
    - fedpkg


The koji_target module can create, update, and delete targets within Koji.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Create a koji build target for Fedora 34
    name: f34-candidate
    build_tag: f34-build
    dest_tag: f34-updates-candidate
    state: present


The koji_external_repo module can create, update, and delete external repositories <https://docs.pagure.org/koji/external_repo_server_bootstrap/>_ within Koji.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Create an external repo for CentOS "CR"
    name: centos7-cr
    url: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cr/$arch/
    state: present

You can then configure these repositories (and their priorities) on each of your Koji tags with the external_repos parameter to the koji_tag module.


The koji_cg module can grant or revoke access to a content generator <https://docs.pagure.org/koji/content_generators/>_ for a user account.

This user account must already exist in Koji's database. For example, you may run an authenticated koji hello command to create the account database entry.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Grant access to the rcm/debbuild account
    koji: mykoji
    name: debian
    user: rcm/debbuild
    state: present

Your Koji Hub must be version 1.19 or newer in order to use the new listCGs <https://pagure.io/koji/pull-request/1160>_ RPC.


The koji_btype module can add new build types. These are typically in support of content generators <https://docs.pagure.org/koji/content_generators/>_.

(Koji only supports adding new build types, not deleting them.)

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Add debian build type to Koji
    koji: mykoji
    name: debian
    state: present


The koji_archivetype module can add new archive types. This allows Koji to recognize new build archive files, for example .dsc files. These are typically in support of content generators <https://docs.pagure.org/koji/content_generators/>_.

(Koji only supports adding new archive types, not deleting them.)

Your Koji Hub must be version 1.20 or newer in order to use the new addArchiveType <https://pagure.io/koji/pull-request/1149>_ RPC.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Add dsc archive type
    name: dsc
    description: Debian source control file
    extensions: dsc
    state: present


The koji_host module can add new hosts and manage existing hosts.

Koji only supports adding new hosts, not deleting them. Once they're defined, you can enable or disable the hosts with state: enabled or state: disabled.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Add new builder1 host
    name: builder1.example.com
    arches: [x86_64]
    state: enabled
      - default
      - createrepo

If you specify channels that do not yet exist, Ansible will create them. For example, if you are setting up a new builder host for OSBS <https://osbs.readthedocs.io>_, you can specify container in the list of channels, and Ansible will automatically create that new "container" channel when it configures the host.


The koji_user module can add new users and manage existing users and permissions.

Koji only supports adding new users, not deleting them. Once they're defined, you can enable or disable the users with state: enabled or state: disabled.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Add new kdreyer user
    name: kdreyer
    state: enabled
    permissions: [admin]


The koji_tag module (above) is all-or-nothing when it comes to managing tag inheritance. When you set inheritance with koji_tag, the module will delete any inheritance relationships that are not defined there.

In some cases you may want to declare some inheritance relationships within Ansible without clobbering other existing inheritance relationships. For example, MBS <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ModuleBuildService>_ will dynamically manage some inheritance relationships of tags, and you do not want Ansible to fight MBS.

To declare inheritance relationships with finer granularity, you may use the koji_tag_inheritance module.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: set devtoolset-7 as a parent of ceph nautilus
    parent_tag: sclo7-devtoolset-7-rh-release
    child_tag: storage7-ceph-nautilus-el7-build
    priority: 25

This will only mange that single parent-child relationship between the two tags, and it will not delete any other inheritance relationships.

Another approach is to have MBS operate on a dedicated "-modules" tag and then inherit from that, so that you do not have to use this Ansible module.


The koji_tag module (above) is all-or-nothing when it comes to managing packages. When you set packages with koji_tag, the module will delete any packages that are not defined there.

In some cases you may want to declare some packages within Ansible without clobbering existing packages. For example, if you have a separate tool that might add or remove packages from tags dynamically, you do not want Ansible to fight that other tooling.

To declare packages with finer granularity, you may use the koji_tag_packages module.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: ensure ceph packages are present and ownership set
    tag: ceph-3.1-rhel-7
        - ceph
        - ansible
    state: present

- name: ensure koji packages are absent
    tag: ceph-3.1-rhel-7
        - koji
    state: absent

This will only mange the packages defined and will not change any other packages on the tag.


The koji_call module allows you to send raw RPCs to the Koji hub. This exposes the entire Koji API <https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/api>_ to you directly.

Why would you use this module instead of the higher level modules like koji_tag, koji_target, etc? This koji_call module has two main uses-cases:

  1. You may want to do something that the higher level modules do not yet support. It can be easier to use this module to quickly prototype out your ideas for what actions you need, and then write the Python code to do it in a better way later. If you find that you need to use kojicall to achieve functionality that is not yet present in the other koji-ansible modules, please file a Feature Request issue in GitHub <https://github.com/ktdreyer/koji-ansible/issues> with your use case.
  2. You want to write some tests that verify Koji's data at a very low level. For example, you may want to write an integration test to verify that you've set up your Koji configuration in the way you expect.

Note that this module will always report "changed: true" every time, because it simply sends the RPC to the Koji Hub on every ansible run. This module cannot understand if your chosen RPC actually "changes" anything.

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: make a raw API call:
    name: getTag
    args: [f34-build]
  register: call_result

- debug:
    var: call_result.data

This will print the tag information for the Fedora 34 -build tag <https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taginfo?tagID=f34-build>_. It is similar to running koji taginfo f34-build on the command-line.

Koji profiles

You must tell koji-ansible which Koji client profile <https://docs.pagure.org/koji/profiles/>_ to use.

Here is an example of setting a profile explicitly on the task:

.. code-block:: yaml

- name: Create a koji tag for the ceph product
    koji: kojidev
    name: ceph-3.1-rhel-7
    arches: x86_64
    state: present

The koji: kojidev setting means Ansible will search ~/.koji/config.d/*.conf and /etc/koji.conf.d/*.conf for the [kojidev] config section and perform the tag management on that Koji hub listed there.

To avoid specifying this koji: argument on every task, you can set the KOJI_PROFILE environment variable when running ansible-playbook. koji-ansible will fall back to using KOJI_PROFILE for the tasks that have no explicit koji: argument::

KOJI_PROFILE=kojidev ansible-playbook -v my-koji-playbook.yaml

Installing from Ansible Galaxy

We distribute koji-ansible through the Ansible Galaxy <https://galaxy.ansible.com/ktdreyer/koji_ansible>_.

If you are using Ansible 2.9 or greater, you can install <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/collections_using.html>_ koji-ansible like so::

ansible-galaxy collection install ktdreyer.koji_ansible

This will install the latest Git snapshot automatically. Use --force upgrade your installed version to the latest version.

Using this Ansible Galaxy Collection inside a role

Here is an example of a simple playbook and role that uses this collection.
``playbook.yml`` calls one role named ``my-koji-project``::

    ├── playbook.yml
    └── roles
        └── my-koji-project
            ├── collections
            │   └── requirements.yml
            ├── meta
            │   └── main.yml
            └── tasks
                └── main.yml

The ``playbook.yml`` file is a small playbook that simply loads our role::

    - name: Test a role that uses koji-ansible
      hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
       - my-koji-project

The ``roles/my-koji-project/collections/requirements.yml`` file should require
this collection (and a specific version, as described above)::

    - name: ktdreyer.koji_ansible

The ``roles/my-koji-project/meta/main.yml`` file tells Ansible to load any
custom modules in this role from the ``ktdreyer.koji_ansible`` collection

    - ktdreyer.koji_ansible

Lastly you can add your role's tasks as usual to ``roles/my-koji-project/tasks/main.yml``::

    - name: create the "my-product-1.0" tag
        name: my-product-1.0

Role and collection dependencies must be installed separately. This is true even if
the dependencies are defined in the same requirements.yml.

For role dependencies::

  ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

For collection dependencies::

  ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Running from a Git clone

Instead of using the Ansible Collection tarball, you can use this project
directly from a Git clone. This is useful when hacking on the code.

These modules import ``common_koji`` from the ``module_utils`` directory.

One easy way to arrange your Ansible files is to symlink the ``library`` and
``module_utils`` directories into the directory with your playbook.

For example, if you have a ``koji.yml`` playbook that you run with
``ansible-playbook``, it should live alongside these ``library`` and
``module_utils`` directories::

    ├── koji.yml
    ├── module_utils
    └── library

and you should run the playbook like so::

   ansible-playbook koji.yml

Investigating changes that happened outside Ansible

Koji tracks a history of everything in its database. You can view this history
with the ``koji list-history`` and ``koji list-tag-history`` sub-commands.

For example, let's say that you wake up one morning to find that your Ansible
playbook for your tags no longer matches up with what is configured live in
Koji. Did someone else on your team make a change with the CLI without editing
the playbook or notifying you? Who did it, and when? Use ``koji list-history
--tag=my-tag`` to see the entire list of changes for your tag in the database.
After a friendly chat with the person who made the change, you can work
together to record the change within your Ansible playbook so your sources of
truth remain consistent.

Generating a playbook from a live Koji instance

Do you have a Koji hub that has many tags, targets, and other settings that
were crafted by hand over the years? You can use the
``./utils/generate-playbook`` script to query your Koji hub and write an
Ansible playbook that describes some or all of the tags. You can then store
this YAML in Git. Other things beyond tags and targets (like content
generators or users) are not yet supported.

This ``generate-playbook`` utility's output may not be the most elegant way to
manage your Koji tags. There will be lots of repetition, because it will not
use any Ansible variables, etc. The purpose of this utility is simply to help
you get up and running quickly with koji-ansible.


* Unit tests