ktdreyer / python-nfsn

Python library for accessing NearlyFreeSpeech.net's API
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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A modern Python library for accessing NearlyFreeSpeech.net's API.


To get running quickly, install from PyPI::

pip install python-nfsn

This will place a pynfsn uility in your $PATH.

If you want to hack on the code::

git clone https://github.com/ktdreyer/python-nfsn
cd python-nfsn
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
python setup.py develop


Obtain your API key from NFSN by submitting a secure support request via the control panel, and store it in a JSON file in your home directory, like so::

$ cat ~/.nfsn-api
{ "login": "ktdreyer",  "api-key": "aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA" }

Use the pynfsn command-line utility, a thin wrapper that lets you explore the API ::

$ pynfsn member ktdreyer accounts
[u'D41D-8CD98F00', u'B204-E9800998', u'ECF8-427E6D7F']

$ pynfsn member ktdreyer sites
[u'coolsite', u'anothercoolsite']

$ pynfsn dns example.com listRRs www
[{u'data': u'example.nfshost.com.', u'scope': u'system', u'type': u'CNAME', u'name': u'www', u'ttl': u'600'}]

$ pynfsn dns example.com addRR testing A

$ pynfsn dns example.com removeRR testing A

Or use the API directly in your own code:

.. code-block:: python

from nfsn import Nfsn

nfsn = Nfsn(login='myusername', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

rrs = nfsn.dns('example.com').listRRs(name='www')
for rr in rrs:
    print(rr['name']) # eg. 'www'
    print(rr['type']) # eg. 'A'
    print(rr['data']) # eg. ''


There are three ways to pass your authentication credentials to the Nfsn() constructor:

1) Call the constructor with no arguments:

.. code-block:: python

   n = Nfsn()

By default, the library will look for a $HOME/.nfsn-api JSON file that contains your username and API key, like so::

$ cat ~/.nfsn-api
{ "login": "ktdreyer",  "api-key": "aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA" }

(This matches the same file and format that the Perl NFSN API uses for authentication, by the way.)

2) Call the constructor with an explicit path to an API key login file:

.. code-block:: python

   n = Nfsn(login_file='/etc/nfsn-api')

In this example, the login_file should be a JSON file, similar to the example above.

3) Specify a login string and API key string directly. You can skip the JSON login_file altogether and just pass the strings you need:

.. code-block:: python

   n = Nfsn(login='ktdreyer', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

If you do not enter the correct login and key combination, each time you access a property or method using this library (see below), NearlyFreeSpeech.net will return a HTTP 401 error, and this library will raise a RuntimeError.

API Examples

See https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/wiki/API for more information.

Account API

.. code-block:: python

from nfsn import Nfsn

nfsn = Nfsn(login='ktdreyer', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

# A floating-point value, the balance on the account.
# Example: 9.04

# The friendly, human-readable name for an account.
# Example: "Personal" or "Business"
nfsn.account('A1B2-C3D4E5F6').friendlyName = 'Business'

# The status details for an account.
# Example: { 'color': '#00b000', 'short': 'OK', 'status': 'Ok' }
# (Note: returns an AttrDict)

# The sites associated with an account.
# Example: [ 'coolsite', 'anothercoolsite' ]

# Add a new site to an account.

# Add a new warning to an account.

# Remove a warning from an account.


.. code-block:: python

from nfsn import Nfsn

nfsn = Nfsn(login='ktdreyer', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

# Get or set the expiration value for a DNS zone.
nfsn.dns('example.com').expire # Example: 86400
nfsn.dns('example.com').expire = 86401

# Get the minTTL value for a DNS zone.
# Example: 180

# Get the minTTL value for a DNS zone.
# Example: 600

# Get the retry value for a DNS zone.
# Example: 180

# Get the serial value for a DNS zone.
# Example: 1414129428

# Add a DNS resource record. The name+type must not exist yet.

# List all DNS resource records:
# (Note: returns an AttrDict)
# Example:
#    [{'data':  '',
#      'name':  '',
#      'scope': 'member',
#      'ttl':   '3600',
#      'type':  'A'},
#     {'data':  'ns.phx2.nearlyfreespeech.net.',
#      'name':  '',
#      'scope': 'member',
#      'ttl':   '3600',
#      'type':  'NS'}]

# List all DNS resource records for 'www.example.com':
# (Note: returns an AttrDict)
# Example:
#    [{'data':  '',
#      'name':  'www',
#      'scope': 'member',
#      'ttl':   '3600',
#      'type':  'A'}]

# Add a DNS resource record.
# The name+type must exist, or Nfsn will raise an an error. You must
# specify all three parameters (name, type, data).

Email API

.. code-block:: python

from nfsn import Nfsn

nfsn = Nfsn(login='ktdreyer', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

# List all email forwarding.
# Example: { 'hello': 'customerservice@example.net'}
# (Note: returns an AttrDict)

# Forward all 'hi@example.com' mail to 'h@example.net':
nfsn.email('example.com').setForward(forward='hi', dest_email='h@example.net')
# ... And remove the email forward:

Member API

.. code-block:: python

from nfsn import Nfsn

nfsn = Nfsn(login='ktdreyer', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

# Get a list of all accounts belonging to a member.
# Example: [ 'A1B2-C3D4E5F6' ]

# Get a list of all sites belonging to a member.
# Example: [ 'coolsite', 'anothercoolsite' ]

Site API

.. code-block:: python

from nfsn import Nfsn

nfsn = Nfsn(login='ktdreyer', api_key='aGVsbG90aGVyZWZyaWVuZA')

# Add or remove an alias for a site:

Types and Errors

Note that since we use Beanbag <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/beanbag> internally, when we return a dict value, it is really an AttrDict <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/attrdict>. If you want to convert the value to a plain dict, you will need to use the + operator. Prepend the value with a + sign, like so:

.. code-block:: python

rrs = nfsn.dns('example.com').listRRs()
print +rrs

If you try to access a non-existent property or method, NearlyFreeSpeech.net will return a HTTP 404 Not Found error, and this library will raise a BeanBagException.

License and Copyright

This software is CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. See COPYING for the full CC0 text.