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Properly loading .h5 file into Jupyter notebook #3

Closed giammi56 closed 1 year ago

giammi56 commented 1 year ago

I am running some UV/vis calculations using veloxchem on a cluster and collecting the .h5 files. In particular, I am interested in the absorption properties of a molecule in a specific frequency range:

property: absorption (cpp)
! frequency region (and resolution)
frequencies: 0.05-0.15 (0.0025)
damping: 0.0045563  ! this is the default value

I am interested in using this example from echem as a quick way of displaying my data, but I'd like to "load" the calculated .h5 file. Is there a function to properly load a .h5 file instead of calculating it within a Jupyter notebook? If not, could you suggest a clever way to code it?

I am trying to extract the dipoles on the diagonal from the test.rsp.solutions.h5 file using a rudimental approach using h5py.File("test.rsp.solutions.h5", "r"), and storing in np arrays keys matching a specific patter. Obviously, the resulting structure of the array doesn't fit well with the example I'd like to follow.

Hopefully, it is not a totally silly question. Thank you!

kthpanor commented 1 year ago


>>> import h5py
>>> hf = h5py.File('cpp.rsp.solutions.h5', 'r')
>>> print(list(hf.keys()))
['atom_coordinates', 'basis_set', 'dft_func_label', 'nuclear_charges', 'nuclear_repulsion', 'potfile_text', 'x_x_0.00000000', 'x_x_0.05000000', 'x_x_0.10000000', 'x_x_0.15000000', 'x_x_0.20000000', 'x_x_0.25000000', 'x_y_0.00000000', 'x_y_0.05000000', 'x_y_0.10000000', 'x_y_0.15000000', 'x_y_0.20000000', 'x_y_0.25000000', 'x_z_0.00000000', 'x_z_0.05000000', 'x_z_0.10000000', 'x_z_0.15000000', 'x_z_0.20000000', 'x_z_0.25000000', 'y_x_0.00000000', 'y_x_0.05000000', 'y_x_0.10000000', 'y_x_0.15000000', 'y_x_0.20000000', 'y_x_0.25000000', 'y_y_0.00000000', 'y_y_0.05000000', 'y_y_0.10000000', 'y_y_0.15000000', 'y_y_0.20000000', 'y_y_0.25000000', 'y_z_0.00000000', 'y_z_0.05000000', 'y_z_0.10000000', 'y_z_0.15000000', 'y_z_0.20000000', 'y_z_0.25000000', 'z_x_0.00000000', 'z_x_0.05000000', 'z_x_0.10000000', 'z_x_0.15000000', 'z_x_0.20000000', 'z_x_0.25000000', 'z_y_0.00000000', 'z_y_0.05000000', 'z_y_0.10000000', 'z_y_0.15000000', 'z_y_0.20000000', 'z_y_0.25000000', 'z_z_0.00000000', 'z_z_0.05000000', 'z_z_0.10000000', 'z_z_0.15000000', 'z_z_0.20000000', 'z_z_0.25000000']
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rsp_vec_x_x_0 = np.array(hf.get('x_x_0.00000000'))
>>> print(rsp_vec_x_x_0.shape)
giammi56 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for your suggestion. Yes, it works to read the .h5 file as usual, but I am wondering why rsp_vec_x_x_0 is composed of 360 complex numbers

array([-3.18449874e-07+7.62493760e-08j, -3.01617664e-08+1.36178798e-07j,
        1.96107965e-07-2.99741630e-07j, ...,
       -8.88158191e-04-1.69609116e-04j,  7.82317716e-04+2.20814510e-04j,

and not a single one for each frequency as in the echem example. In the echem example:

cpp_prop = LinearAbsorptionCrossSection(
    {"frequencies": ",".join(freqs_str), "damping": 0.3 / au2ev}, method_settings
cpp_prop.init_driver(comm, ostream=silent_ostream)
cpp_prop.compute(molecule, basis, scf_drv.scf_tensors)

# Extract the imaginary part of the complex response function and convert to absorption cross section
sigma = []
for w in freqs:
    axx = -cpp_prop.rsp_property["response_functions"][("x", "x", w)].imag
    ayy = -cpp_prop.rsp_property["response_functions"][("y", "y", w)].imag
    azz = -cpp_prop.rsp_property["response_functions"][("z", "z", w)].imag
    alpha_bar = (axx + ayy + azz) / 3.0
    sigma.append(4.0 * np.pi * w * alpha_bar / 137.035999)

the content of cpp_prop.rsp_property["response_functions"]is:

('x', 'x', 0.25724525755505434): (-8.937010271963658-0.2192567148954479j),
 ('y',  'x',  0.25724525755505434): (-2.0616204730690196e-15-9.002530500035028e-16j),
 ('z',  'x',  0.25724525755505434): (6.1515303516845225e-15+9.515940880604661e-16j),

thus a single complex number per frequency. I couldn't find exactly how each i_j_frequncy is calculated, but I can imagine an integration step is missing to be consistent with the echem example. I would appreciate a hint from you on how to proceed. Thank you!

kthpanor commented 1 year ago

These are the response vectors. The scalar response function values are obtained as inner products between property gradient vectors and response vectors as illustrated on page


for conventional, real-values, response theory.

giammi56 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, the link explains it perfectly. Giving the fact that I can not run echem on my system (arm64), with which equivalent response property can I calculate the property gradient vectors?

kthpanor commented 1 year ago

It is explained on the same page


and as you can see the elements of the gradient vector are the elements of the ov-block of the corresponding operator in MO representation.

giammi56 commented 1 year ago

I wasn't able to explain myself correctly, I apologize. The page you referred to is a great explanation, but it is based on Jupyter notebook implementation. Although I have just saw it could be somehow adapted to be run with an arm64-friendly vlxenv environment, I am looking for a solution to be used without IDE.

Following this guide, I run successfully the following recipe with a large molecule evaluated on 40 frequencies:

task: response

@method settings
xcfun: b3lyp
basis: def2-svp

property: absorption (cpp)
! frequency region (and resolution)
frequencies: 0.05-0.15 (0.0025)
damping: 0.0045563  ! this is the default value

charge: 0
multiplicity: 1
units: au

It outputs 5 files:


Sigma values are already written at the end of the .out file. As just said, the .rsp.solutions.h5 file has the response vectors in the form i_j_freq. As pointed out in the .out file, the property integrals are stored in .rsp.h5. The latter file has the following keys: Keys: <KeysViewHDF5 ['CLR_bger_half_size', 'CLR_bung_half_size', 'CLR_e2bger_half_size', 'CLR_e2bung_half_size', 'atom_coordinates', 'basis_set', 'dft_func_label', 'nuclear_charges', 'nuclear_repulsion', 'potfile_text']> Assuming that the latter contains indeed the right property integrals in the MO-basis, what are the steps to adapt them in a form suitable to the response vectors in order to retrieve the scalar response function values? Thank you for your patience!

kthpanor commented 1 year ago

This forum is not suitable for this sort of guidance. Send a email directly to me and I try to offer a Zoom meeting with suitable participants. Best, Patrick Norman panor@kth.se