kthpanor / vlxman

8 stars 3 forks source link

Compiled page


Some commands

$ pip install -U jupyter-book
$ git clone https://github.com/kthpanor/vlxman.git
$ cd vlxman
$ vi docs/dft.md
$ jupyter-book build .
$ open _build/html/index.html

Note: We need version 0.11 (or higher) to compile our book which is not yet available with conda install so therefore do pip install as suggested above.

Publish the html-version

$ pip install ghp-import
$ ghp-import -n -p -c veloxchem.org -f _build/html

The flag -c veloxchem.org will create a file named CNAME in the gh-pages branch containing the published pages. This file contains a single line with veloxchem.org that is needed to be able to reach the manual from the https://veloxchem.org/ domain.


The file references.bib in the top directory is a regular BIBTEX file. Add your references in this file. A citation in the text is added with

{cite}`Wang2016, Schlegel2011`

Multiple lists of references are possible but not yet propoerly implmented.