# EMATS: Event Management and Attendance Tracking System using QR Codes
An intuitive and user-friendly tool for event management and attendance tracking. The system relies on Google Forms and ZXing QR Code Scanner for scanning QR codes. When the participants register for an event using the Google forms, the Google app script associated with the forms, sends out a QR code to the registered email address. The participant then presents this QR code at the event venue to gain entry (upon validation of the code). Additionally, the mobile app also shows pie charts with participant demographics, food requirements etc.
The following software tools are required to execute the EMATS:
After making sure the prerequisites in the previous section are met, please follow the steps in this video.
As seen below, the application will indicate whether the QR Code is authentic or not.
When deployed as a webservice, the link will lead to a pie chart that illustrates the attendance turnout. It can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, so it enables easy tracking of the turnout.
As this is an open-sourced project, we encourage users to contribute to further enhance the functionalities and features provided. In order to do so, please read the contribution guidelines.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
We would appreciate if you could leave us a feedback about your experience if you have used EMATS. Please use this form to let us know your opinion and you can use the same form to let us know if you wish to contribute to this project.