ktopolov / autonomous

Autonomous driving algorithm development and simulation with ROS
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Autonomous driving algorithm development and simulation with ROS

Getting Started

There are two options for development:

Install dependencies on WSL using:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y cmake g++ wget unzip python3 python3-pip git libopencv-dev clang-tidy

Cloning the Repo

To clone the repo, use Git with SSH:

git -C <path-to-repo> clone git@github.com:ktopolov/autonomous.git

or simply just

git clone git@github.com:ktopolov/autonomous.git

to clone into the current folder.

Setting up Python Virtual Environment

Now, we setup a Python virtual environment:

# get virtualenv package
sudo apt install python3-venv

# Create virtual env
python3 -m venv ~/venvs/auto_venv

# Activate virtual env
source ~/venvs/auto_venv/bin/activate

# Install packages for this repo
pip install -r <path-to-repo>/python/requirements.txt

Building and Compiling C++ Code

If this is your first time in the repom or any files have been moved/added, navigate to the top level of the repo and run:

# Build without debug flags
source shellscripts/cpp_build.sh

# Build with GDB debug flags
source shellscripts/cpp_build -d

Interactive Plotting

Assuming you work on WSL2 and want to show plots on your Windows machine:

In windows start menu, search for XLaunch and open it. Select "Multiple Windows". Hit next and select "Start no client". Hit next and check all boxes, including the Disable access control. If you don't do this, it won't work. Hit "Next" >> "Finish".

Now if you open a WSL window (or source your ~/.bashrc file) and run something like gedit you should see a window appear.

Alternatively, you can simply load a VCXSRV configuration file in this repo (vcxsrv_wsl2) by:

Working with ROS

To install ROS, you can either look at the lines in the Dockerfile in this repo which pertain to ROS installation, or visit http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu and follow the instructions there. We use ROS noetic for this project.

ROS tutorials are located at http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials